Classic TV – Don Rickles Breaks Johnny Carson’s Cigarette Box – IOTW Report

Classic TV – Don Rickles Breaks Johnny Carson’s Cigarette Box

So much of this would never fly today. Having a cigarette box would be verboten. The way Carson engages with actor Harrison Page would have Carson canceled.

(On a different note, Doc Severinsen’s account of what happened is so mangled it seems he is just trying to make it worse for Rickles.)

((Severinsen os 95 and still alive. Here is his last concert. He looks great! He’s definitely the best 95 year-old trumpet player.))

In case you’ve forgotten how great Severinsen was back in the day-

10 Comments on Classic TV – Don Rickles Breaks Johnny Carson’s Cigarette Box

  1. Ah. When television wasn’t scripted.
    I remember seeing that live. It was great.
    Also saw Rickles in Reno when I was a young man. He was hilarious. I miss the old guys. Dangerfield, buddy Hackett. Funny stuff.

  2. I saw Don Rickles at a casino near the end of his career. His band leader was black. He said to him, “I love the black people. Without you we wouldn’t have the Olympics.” LMAO!

  3. It happened on Newhart’s watch – send him the bill. He’s so square he hated the Byrds. I remember when Don offered Ricardo Montalban some mud for his hut. His advice would’ve saved thousands of lives in Turkey.

  4. Watching Hatari! again the other day, was gratified to see all that cigarette smoking, drinking, chasing wild animals without any PETA freaks getting in the way, some pretty fine rifle shooting.
    And all the monkeys in cages, where they belong.


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