Classless AOC Repeats Alleged Filthy Remark on House Floor – IOTW Report

Classless AOC Repeats Alleged Filthy Remark on House Floor

Are we supposed to be horrified? Her good buddy congresswoman called the president a motherf*cker. And that was funny, charming and refreshing, according to the left.

32 Comments on Classless AOC Repeats Alleged Filthy Remark on House Floor

  1. Just as Cuomo is now known as “Fredo” for his opposition the the name, I hope this vapid twat is known as “Fucking Bitch” from this day forward.

  2. Garbage mouthed horse face.
    Who does she have that also heard it? Who’s going to purger themselves to back her accusations?
    What a childish little snipe.

  3. Personally, I would like her to come face-to-face with TheMule. He is so ‘matter of fact’ that I honestly believe he would make her turn and run in a heartbeat! (And, this is meant as a compliment to TheMule!!)

  4. @WamBam – I will refer to M Hatch to answer you…but it IS the latter, I can guaran-tee you that!

    Oh, and FOR THE RECORD, she was born in the Bronx and left for the White Burbs in when she was five. She grew up in “WHITELANDIA”.

    I would guess her brain became complete MUSH when she went to college in Boston.


  5. If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Harry S. Truman. So a congressman called AOC a fucking bitch – it’s not like there weren’t millions of folks already thinking that. But anyway, boo hoo – someone called her a bad name.

    Get over it, AOC. You chose to be in politics. You chose to promote policies that millions of Americans who didn’t vote for you abhor. We toxic white males, and a whole lot of males of other colors, learned to deal with name calling a long time ago – there’s plenty of other things to worry about. If this name calling bothers you, get the hell out of Congress.

  6. Just look at the act she put on Like that was the First time she was called that. She tried to pull off the I just got out of the Convent school and I have never heard those words before and I have never been called that. Bull F***ing S**t On both counts

  7. @WamBam – I’m from Bronx and mom and sister still live there and no, we are all not like that. She is a terrible person who was taught a long time ago how to play the game and race card. She puts on the PR accent when it fits her agenda and sounds ridiculous. I can’t believe how uneducationed these people are who voted for her. So sad.

    God Bless us all!


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