Clay Travis Banned From CNN For Saying Boobs, But Toobin is Back After “Toobin” in Front of Colleagues – IOTW Report

Clay Travis Banned From CNN For Saying Boobs, But Toobin is Back After “Toobin” in Front of Colleagues

23 Comments on Clay Travis Banned From CNN For Saying Boobs, But Toobin is Back After “Toobin” in Front of Colleagues

  1. …jerkin his gherkin, bopping his bologna, yankee his wankee, pulling his pud, spanking his monkey, choking his chicken, rubbing one out, self-service, self-help, bashing the bishop, flogging his dog, tugging his tube, handling things himself, getting a grip, stroking his poker, doing the job no American wants to do…

  2. The fact that this guy didn’t die of embarrassment tells you everything you need to know.
    Nothing but a perverted narcissist.
    The real mystery is why rehire someone so mediocre and pathetic?
    Aren’t white guys the enemy now anyway?

  3. Johnny, or maybe his name is Dick, “Hey Ma I’m going toobin tonight.” Ma, You be careful and have a good time, and don’t get your hands all sticky.” Conversation in a progtard household. The perfect song for this would be Sticky Fingers by The Rolling Stones.

  4. “Antidote June 12, 2021 at 7:32 am

    CNN wouldnā€™t exist if every asinine cable and satellite provider didnā€™t mandate it to be in basic programming.”

    You’re paying for shit you don’t even watch, or want to watch. Customers are subsidizing corporations through Carriage fees.. And those same customers when they put their taxpayer hat back on subsidize the government while the government and corporations work a co op (IE: The establishment)

    That’s Mercantilism.

  5. The guy said “boobs?”
    Was he referring to Joey and Kamel-Ho?
    Joey and Jill? Jill and Kamel-Ho?
    Mitch and Kevin?

    So many boobs, it’s hard to say.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. It would be fun to be on a segment with Toobin. ā€œCome again? Or did you? Just now?ā€ ā€œYou’re just trying to stroke her ego. Or stroke something. I’m not sure.ā€ ā€œWell, Jeffrey, it seems like you have the subject well in hand, but I know you’re used to that.ā€ ā€œThanks for raising that issue, Jeffery. Anything else coming up over there?ā€ ā€œIā€™ve been meaning to tell you how much I admire your posture, Jeffreyā€”very erect.ā€

  7. Toobin absolutely and unequivocally wanted to be caught. This is an excellent example of how diabolical narcissism works. They want you to see them get away with behavior that is unacceptable for others, but doesnā€™t apply to them and then rub it in your face. Filthy reprobate left is in on the game up to their eyeballs.


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