Cliche Leftist Student Says He Plans On Showing His Tucker Carlson Interview To His Future History Students – IOTW Report

Cliche Leftist Student Says He Plans On Showing His Tucker Carlson Interview To His Future History Students

Yes, douchecanoe, you are a perfect example of the robotic leftist student. Your future history students will be able to look at you the way we look at 1970s Montgomery Ward catalogs and cringe.

By the way, Tucker Carlson’s new show is my absolute favorite political show. My guess is that he will have a tough time getting leftists as guest the way he is slaying them.

The point he makes about not seeing any flag burning at trade schools is priceless.

27 Comments on Cliche Leftist Student Says He Plans On Showing His Tucker Carlson Interview To His Future History Students

  1. Carlson has impressed me a lot during this election cycle and I agree with BFH that he has the best political show currently on TV.
    Cringe-worthy is not looking at a 70’s Montgomery Ward catalog, but looking at back at this turd who stole a Monkees shirt and decided to wear it on TV.

  2. I just want to punch this Dbag in the face. Sorry bitch slap him.
    they don’t want diversity they want everyone to think the same LIBERAL!
    I wish everyone in this country had to spend 1 year in the military that would end this bullshit.

  3. Ahhhh, when he got to saying he’s from Portland, it all became clear.

    So he thinks his parent’s wealth is because they exploited slavery? And he’s living on stolen ground from the Indians? OKaaaay.

    To paraphrase that kid in The 6th Sense, I see petulant people walking around like regular people. They only see what they want to see. They don’t know they’re petulant.

    I don’t see any hope for Portland. None. They shouldn’t be allowed to freely travel in the sane part of the country.

    And yeah, Carlson is opening up cans of Whoop Ass on these REgressives.

  4. His parents benefited from the slavery and oppression and theft of the land of native peoples? Wow, if I was this kid’s parents, I would be afraid the son will one day charge them with being 1%ers and throw them to the wolves.

    I warned my teenage daughters that if they ever come home with anybody that looks like this, let alone thinks like this, I am going to do what Al Bundy did to Kelly’s boyfriends in “Married with Children”. A few head bangs off the walls, the door frame and then tossed out the door. I want to be as diverse as I can in the different ways I can kick his worthless ass out the door.

  5. Thinking about this idiot and the others like him, I bet if a movement was started to ban Cro-Magnon Man and Neanderthal exhibits in museums because they drove the peaceful Mammoth to extinction, idiots like this would take up the mantle and promote it. Their only purpose in life is to live for a left wing cause. Other than that they have no purpose other than sucking up oxygen and pissing on buildings in Comrade DeBlazio’s NYC utopia.

  6. Tucker has come into his own over the last oouple of years or so. He always struck me as being a little weak when he and the late Bob Novak use to faceoff with Skeletor and Begala over at CNN’s “Crossfire” years ago. But he’s matured, developed himself at DAILY CALLER, and has really gotten it together. Right arm, Tucker!!

  7. First, the guy looks like he cries after sex.
    Second, he makes the cardinal mistake of contemplation of historic events:
    You can never judge the motivations and morals of peoples of another time through the lens of the motivations and morals of your own time.
    Its spherically absurd. You lose all connection to the truth of their existence.
    Was slavery bad? Apparently not in other times, or it would not have existed.
    The reason we study history is to observe what came before to help make sense of today. Not to indict those from different times for crimes that were not crimes when they were committed.

  8. I bet he’s going home to Portlandia for Thanksgiving, oops, I mean to celebrate the racist white evangelicals stealing indigenous lands, and drink cocoa in his onesie while discussing health care.

    Pardon me while I puke.

  9. The problem here is that he made a point in the fact that burning a flag got him on Tucker’s show, and that to me IS the problem. Cut these assholes off at the knee; don’t give them a platform to spew their bullshit and ignore or laugh in their face. Fine, he has a right to his free speech but why should I care to listen? Oh wait, on the other side of the coin thank you Tucker for making a mockery out of this f ing idiot.

  10. This wet fart of a douchebag is the biggest liar I’ve seen in a long time. Every time he answered a question from Tucker Carlson, his eyes shifted – a sign of lying.

    On sale at Target this Black Friday – the all-new LIBTURD ROBOT(tm) – “….(click!)….(whir!)….diversity….(kerchunk)….oppression…(click!)….white privilege….(access Liberal condescension chip)….trade school students don’t have the same access to media like I do….(gronk)…..being an asshole got me on this show….(whir)….KILL ALL HUMANS…KILL ALL HUMANS….”

  11. I think the mistake this fellow makes is assuming that he will get a job teaching history. Even being the leftwing socialist that he is those jobs are going to be like gold and will end up going to people with pull and notoriety does not equal pull when you get to the local level. I suspect this fellow will end up with a career at Starbucks and wallow in self-pity while he reflects on what should have been.

  12. Wish I was a fly on the wall when he shows this interview in his class. A bit humiliating me thinks. Tucker Carlson was a great pick although I miss Greta. Fox still has it. Thought it was going down the toilet but now I have hope.

  13. I live near a Trade School, and when they retire the flag they fly on campus, the students generally insist on a short but proper flag retirement ceremony. I wouldn’t want to guess what might happen to someone who decided to burn one there.

  14. We need to cut off all tax payer dollars going to these schools. Pronto. I think it’s rule 17 of the Naked Communist that is really important to review because the bastards are teaching our kids how to be perfect little communists. This might be our countries biggest threat. I hope it’s on DJT’s to do list.

  15. I like how Tucker Carlson doesn’t even try to bother keeping a neutral expression on his face. Depending on what nugget of bullshit the Leftist fucktard is spewing, Carlson either openly mocks & laughs at him or makes a face like “did this fucktwit actually just say that and expect us to respect him?”

  16. “My guess is that he will have a tough time getting leftists as guests the way he is slaying them.” My thoughts exactly Fur. Talk about Beast Mode! And such a delightful treat to watch! 😀

  17. So if his parents’ wealth was made on the backs of slaves why isn’t he burning his college admission letter and petitioning his parents to give all said wealth to his favorite charity?

  18. Stop2think, Will never happen.

    They never apply their ideals to themselves.

    My most lefty friend hates rich people like a good morally posturing SJW should. He “retired” 8 years ago when his multi-millionaire Dad died.

    Need I say more?

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