Climate activists seen in video trying to block freight train hauling coal, tweet claims – IOTW Report

Climate activists seen in video trying to block freight train hauling coal, tweet claims


An environmental reporter in Massachusetts posted a video on Twitter late Monday that she said showed a freight train hauling coal being met with a group of climate change activists on a dark track.

The train was seen moving slowly through Worchester, Mass., and about a dozen activists with small lights could be seen surrounding the tracks. The train’s horn was blaring, but the activists appeared to continue to give it chase. The train was headed to New Hampshire, the reporter wrote.

Earlier this month, the Boston Globe reported that freight tracks were blocked by activists at various points in New Hampshire, including  Worcester, Ayer and Hooksett,  N.H.

The paper quoted Marla Marcum,  the director of the Climate Disobedience Center, who noted that a coal power plant in the area “pollutes the river and causes asthma and contributed to climate change.”


30 Comments on Climate activists seen in video trying to block freight train hauling coal, tweet claims

  1. It’ll be helpful if they get run over. After all, everyone knows the machinery of Capitalism is oiled by the blood of the workers.

    (I got that quote off a Simpsons episode)

  2. Trespassing, filing a false report and impersonating a police officer. They have no right to stop a train. They could have made themselves sacrificial cows if they truly believed in their cause.

  3. Well Choo Choo Muthafcukahs!!
    We burn coal cleanly her in the good old USA.
    Get yer facts straight!
    Learn Chinese and go to China you dumb fux!
    You’ll love it so much you’ll never come back – or at least that’s the story….

  4. And after the train had passed, the special needs children from the Climate Disobedience Center ran to the tracks and picked up their flattened pennies. People watching them hoped that one day, those children could become productive members of society.

  5. Who do they think they are, Butch Cassidy or some other old West train robbers? The train should have run them over and made them all recipients of Darwin Awards for being the biggest dumbasses of the year. Thirdtwin, I actually worked with a retarded lady at a state institution who became that way from flattening pennies on railroad tracks that hit her in the head and permanently gorked her.

  6. The conductor should run them down. These protesters break the law by blocking federally protected railroad tracks, and doing it at night is only making the law breaking worse and more dangerous. Suppose someone dies due to the “protest”? This is why in my mind, this is not a protest, it is an act of terrorism and should be treated as such.

  7. “The train’s horn was blaring, but the activists appeared to continue to give it chase.” LOL! Were they able to stop the shipment!? Pfffft! How, again, does running behind a train stop it’s progress? Does the Left spawn any people with brains in their heads? Or are they all pumped out full of stupid?

  8. Some day they might realize that climate change also has inertia just as a locomotive does, and humans are not going to stop it from going where it was going. Next time if a few of them stay on the tracks they will get a dramatic demonstration of how it works.

  9. Trains are fantastic. Some months ago I was waiting for a train in Grover Beach CA. Before my train arrived, an Amtrak Express went past the station at what I think was about 70-80 mph. Grover Beach wasn’t one of its stops and it did not slow down one bit. Its power was staggering. The feeling was “get the hell out of the way or pay a huge price”.

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