Climate Alarmists Want to Take Away Your Ration of Meat and Dairy – IOTW Report

Climate Alarmists Want to Take Away Your Ration of Meat and Dairy


For many years the carbon allowances for individuals were esoteric goals as presented by those who assemble at various global COP meetings, Davos and the World Economic Forum.  However, with rapid advances in the energy control process, a result of the pandemic and Build Back Better exit, the control officers are now quantifying the specifics for the individual citizen. [pdf Here]

In short, we are now getting down to the brass tacks.  Your resource allocation is part of the “consumption intervention” consideration, where the amount of carbon emission your consumption drives is what determines the goal for your future allocation. More

24 Comments on Climate Alarmists Want to Take Away Your Ration of Meat and Dairy

  1. How can anyone in America that enjoys food & drink, drives a car, uses a cell phone, heats & cools their home, bathes, uses indoor plumbing, has a home full of modern electronics, has mail delivered and trash removed, shops, eats out, wears clothing…basically lives a modern day life, EVER vote for some cocksucker like our president* that says he’s “going to end fossil fuels”?
    ANYONE that utters something so fucking ignorant should be run out of town on a rail.
    People are so goddamn stupid it boggles those of us with sentient minds.


  2. How about:
    Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die?

    You eat what you want to eat; I’ll eat what I want to eat; and it’s none of your fucking business!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. In the end we may have to turn to cannibalism, and start eating democRATS. They’ll probably taste like shit unless you cook them Cajun style with plenty of butter and cayenne pepper!

  4. Saudi Arabia is building a city ONE HUNDRED FRICKIN’ MILES LONG fer chrise sake. And they recently announced a plan to build an airport, 22 square miles, capable of landing six 747s at the same time on parallel runways. They don’t seem at all concerned about the global warming hoax or running out of oil.

  5. I can’t wait to see what happens to the Oxford city council in 2024 if they go through with implementing their neighborhood lockdown plan below.

    In Boulder, CO in 2015 the city council implemented their brilliant idea to take out necessary traffic lanes and make them bike lanes and needless to say it created a total mess, traffic jams, road hazards, everyone angry, businesses cut off from their customers etc. It was hilarious and they had to quickly reverse. I really hope that is the way all this ridiculousness goes.

  6. These idiotic fuckers call themselves “progressive”. Progress is striving for a better life for yourself, family & those around you. I fail to see how taking us back to the stone age is progress.

  7. The boss made a standing rib roast tonight of about six or more pounds. Just me and her and she had what would be the “petite” cut and there’s perhaps a half pound left.

    Gluttony has always been one of my strongest assets.

    So how many years worth of ration did I consume tonight?

  8. Progressivism is totally invested in increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death. It is the worldview of Marxist/Satanists. It just is what it is. Satan is a murder, a thief and a liar. Satan’s followers emulate their dark prince and that’s just the way it is.

  9. Elaborately well produced document, speaks of unlimited supplies of money and its concomitant, time. The essential fundamental not mentioned that I could see is this: the persons ruled under this scheme are not citizens, free agents or what we currently refer to as adult human beings. They are chattel of the state, as children or the incompetent, handled by their guardians to suit the guardians.

    My takeaway is… never, ever under any circumstances give up your firearms until you are dead and gone.

  10. If there were such an allocation, the average liberal will starve to death, or get shot in the face trying to browbeat their conservative neighbor into sharing their booty. Hunting is quite beyond their grasp, they have eschewed and scorned it for generations.

    The youngest and I processed 3 venison haunches tonight, only 17 to go. The family took 5 deer total. The youngest is in her senior year and she scored her first trophy buck this year. It was an incredible moment for her daddy and I.

    She is starting to wrap her head completely around every freaking step that it takes. Land conservation, crop rotation, firearm skill and maintenance, the logistics of the very trip we take for deer season, knocking off the scent, gearing up to go out, walking out and inserting into a stand or planning the logistics and safety of a drive, the stillness and hours of the stand, focus, selecting the right deer from the herd, shot placement to kill not wound, tracking, field dressing, transport, butchering, processing.

    This was her last hunt before she goes off to college. She will miss out for at least the next 4 years. Just as she GETS it, it goes on hold.

    She’ll be back though.

  11. Well that’s funny especially since Embezzling Biden, Obama-Bin-Lyin, Obese Oprah Wimpy, Rosie MacDonalds, Gluttonous Whoopie Cushion Goldberg, Fat-Azzez Stacey Adams and Chris Christie, Michael Gimme-Moore Food and numerous other societal lowlifes all eat meat and dairy. lolol


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