Climate Change Caused Brexit, Explains Al Gore – IOTW Report

Climate Change Caused Brexit, Explains Al Gore


Climate change caused Brexit, Al Gore has claimed.

Gore, who was speaking at an event to promote his latest global warming propaganda documentary – An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth To Power – said the Brexit vote in Britain last summer was the result of “political instability” created by the “stress” caused by climate-change induced chaos in the Middle East.

(Photo by Stephen Chernin/Getty Images)

It all began in Syria, Gore explained, unchallenged by a fawning interviewer from the film magazine Empire.

He proceeded to outline his lavishly complex climate conspiracy theory involving climate change, Syria, and Wikileaks:

“One of the lines of investigation [scientists] have been pursuing has led them to the conclusion that significant areas of the Middle East and North Africa are in danger of becoming uninhabitable

“And, just a taste of this, to link it to some of the events that the UK and European Union are going through – think for a moment about what happened in Syria.

“Before the gates of hell opened in Syria, what happened was a climate-related extreme drought.

15 Comments on Climate Change Caused Brexit, Explains Al Gore

  1. So, if it all began in Syria, and then if Obama had enforced his “red line” there, then the Brits wouldn’t have wised up enough to get the hell out of the EU? Does that mean it’s Preezy Obama’s fault? Damn, I’m so confused. And I swear Al Gore’s brain functions must be represented by a pretzel ( kinda like “Dr” Marc Lamont Hill’s brain).

  2. We can call Gore stupid, dumb, idiotic or a retard, just about anything we want but before him there has always been proponents of man-made global warming but he jumped on (or created) the carbon credit scheme which has made him at least $100 million and probably more. He’s dumped it into foundation/trust so the tax man couldn’t get his hands on it and placed himself on the board along with family and co-conspirators so that he can extract the cash anytime he wants. The media does no investigative journalism on him and from what I’ve read the authorities have given him a pass as well. Now he wants to up the ante with a new “documentary” which has some angle to get him more cash. He’s a dick, a rat bastard, a thief, fraud and con-artist but he’s not an idiot.
    Maybe some day when this man-made global warming (or climate change when it’s a cold winter and the polar bears are fat, sassy and numerous) is finally debunked and evidence comes out how Gore and his criminal pals planned this fraud in advance he’ll finally face a jury but until then the bastard is going to continue this farce and count his cash.

  3. Didn’t Al order a massage therapist in Oregon to “Release the Chakra? Or was it, Release the Cracken? When she refused, I guess he had to Choke the Chicken instead. When will Al realize what a buffoon he is?

  4. This is why you never waste time listening to a “recognized expert” outside their field of “expertise.”

    So, Al Gore’s a climate priest. Preaching about the climate. Even if I don’t interrupt his homily, when the “Then a miracle happens!” pivot comes, you know he’s just making it up.

    Fat Americans using air conditioning, and driving themselves around, instead of herding into open air cattle cars for train rides, while Al Gore jets to another “meeting,” caused bad weather over there. OK. Mummies climbing out of their tombs. Goats molesting humans. The end of the world as they know it. OK.

    And that had an iota of effect on Brexit… how? Hungry Arabs, yearning to rape free, affects Great Britain’s ability to control who moves into Great Britain… how? Angela Merkel’s longing for other Europeans to pay for her extravagant importing of involuntary German sex toys, is caused by the price of tea in Somalia… how?

    I’m sure the Left Reverend Gore has some article of faith, some scientific consensus, about why bad weather over there, leads to inevitable genocide over here. But they don’t have anything to do with Clima-Scien-tology.

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