Climate Change Is Normal and Natural, and Can’t Be Controlled – IOTW Report

Climate Change Is Normal and Natural, and Can’t Be Controlled


by Frits Byron Soepyan

NASA claimed that “Earth is warming at an unprecedented rate” and “human activity is the principal cause.” Others proposed spending trillions of dollars to control the climate. But are we humans responsible for climate change? And what can we do about it?

“The climate of planet Earth has never stopped changing since the Earth’s genesis, sometimes relatively rapidly, sometimes very slowly, but always surely,” says Patrick Moore in Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom. “Hoping for a ‘perfect stable climate’ is as futile as hoping the weather will be the same and pleasant, every day of the year, forever.”

In other words, climate change is normal and natural, and you can forget about controlling it. MORE

22 Comments on Climate Change Is Normal and Natural, and Can’t Be Controlled

  1. Just for openers, the eco-commies keep referring to “the earth’s climate” when there is no such thing. Different regions have different and largely unrelated climates. The east side of a valley can have a different climate compared to the west side. There is no ONE “earth’s climate.”

    There MAY BE a general warming trend but it isn’t possible to tell with any confidence when the eco-commies who keep tight control over historical temperature data refuse to say how they modify the measurements, throw away the original numbers, and won’t let anybody else see the files at all (“NO! How DARE you?! You’re NOT WORTHY! You’re not Official Climate Scienceist™ Officials like WE are! Neener! Give us more MONIES!”)

  2. Uncle Al
    MONDAY, 22 APRIL 2024, 13:12 AT 1:12 PM
    (“NO! How DARE you?! You’re NOT WORTHY! You’re not Official Climate Scienceist™ Officials like WE are! Neener! Give us more MONIES OR MOTHER EARTH GETS IT AND ITS ALL YOUR FAULT AND YOU WILL BE PUNISHED IF YOU DON’T!”)

  3. They just want our money, to be their money. I think that that is the simplest way to define it.

    I hope I live long enough to see the globalists fighting amongst themselves over who is going to be the supreme ruler over the world they’ve created.

  4. Nature finds a balance. More CO2 = more green stuff growing = less CO2. If humans reduce CO2 output globally by just 1% and hold it there, excluding natural events like volcanoes, nature will find balance and nature by itself will meet human goals of reduced CO2 in the atmosphere all by itself. Net Zero is just insane and not needed for their goals and is in place for one reason and one reason alone: to control you…. oh, and also it would create a mass casualty event if done abruptly like they want to do.

  5. And just in time for erf day which is today and Vladimir Lenin’s birthday as well. Woo hoo, we’re all gonna die from globull warming. Tricky Dick Nixon under whose watch erf day was first celebrated on 4-22-1970 also died 30 years ago on this day of 4-22-1994, coincidence I think not. Fifty-four years later we’re still here and haven’t gone extinct yet according to Paul Ehrlich and the rest of the doom and gloom prognosticators, and erf day is almost as big a bust as the Rapture. They were dead wrong then and are still dead wrong now.

  6. “UCLA study: Gay couples at greater risk from climate change”

    Aaaaaaaaaaannd don’t fergit “bridges are racist”!

    Proof that you can make any “study” yield any result that is desired!
    Yet we’re supposed to believe that “Man Made Climate Change” is legit just because it is from an organization that went to space. The government throws a TON of money to anything it wants to corrupt!
    While we’re on the topic, there is a BIG difference between Climate Change and Mann Made Climate Change!

  7. I’m working on a machine to control the climate. Once it’s perfected I suppose I should just turn it over to the government. After all, they done such a wonderful job of controlling spending and the border, how could they possibly fuck up controlling the climate?


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