Climate Fraudster Gets Out of Motorcade to Bike the Last 100 Meters in Front of Cameras – IOTW Report

Climate Fraudster Gets Out of Motorcade to Bike the Last 100 Meters in Front of Cameras

She pulled a Buttigieg.

A Spanish minister flies on a private jet to attend a climate conference. She then drives on a motorcade, and a 100 meters before the venue she gets off and takes a bicycle, as her two security cars follow her


Many have said that this video simply depicts that his security detail held the bike until he needed it, and that he biked the whole way back to the DOT.

It is still “smoke” and mirrors and complete horseshit because he has multiple cars following him. He might as well be in the friggin’ car.

15 Comments on Climate Fraudster Gets Out of Motorcade to Bike the Last 100 Meters in Front of Cameras

  1. Simply hand-in-glove theater for the hoax that is ‘Global Warming”, “Climate Change”, “Greenhouse Effect”, Weather Destabilization”, “Climate Crisis” or whutever the fuk they’re calling it THIS week!!

  2. For two years, they made ā€œusā€ attend ā€œvirtualā€ meetings via the internet due to the vivid hoax. But these phonies jet across the world several times a year so they can ā€œsave the planetā€. Clown World indeed!

  3. They don’t even try to hide it! You would think that with all the money that’s involved, they would at least hire a Perfesser Marvel impersonator to MC this shit-show!

  4. She is just another one trying to prove she can see the emperors new clothes. They are also hoping to profit from the problem they can’t fix if they wanted to.
    I did have a solution for the solar panels and blocking the sun. Block the sun only at night…

  5. ONCE AGAIN, Toronto Canada Beat them to it 10 plus years ago.

    The new Mayor of Toronto’s Dead Husband used to Minivan around the corner of Parliament & jump onto a bike for the last 3 blocks. Jack Layton

    His Wife was just elected this week and she jumped of a bike in front of city hall. I would bet she did exactly what Rub & Tug Jack Did in Both of his previous careers.

  6. Pete Buttigieg found the bicycle seat uncomfortable as it put pressure on his butt plug.

    The Spanish minister’s bicycle ride was expressed as, “it was electrifying”, she had no issue of being uncomfortable or irritation with her vibrating dildo. It was the best 2 block bicycle ride I’ve ever had.

  7. She KNOWS the Globaloney Warming/Climate Bullshit is a HOAX.
    So why should she care about anything other than optics?
    The clapping, barking seals will still shed a tear at her dedication to “the cause.”

    They ALL jet around spewing carbon while collecting $Billions and admonishing the humans that they need to do with less.

    You think John Kerry’s gonna walk anywhere? You gotta be retarded!
    Klaus Schwab is as big a hypocrite as Bill Gates, for pity’s sake!
    See these maggots taking sailboats to Switzerland?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. The Spanish ministerā€™s bicycle is an e-bike. You can tell she’s pedaling for show.
    Old proverb.
    Girl who rides bicycle, pedals ass around town.
    Kamala doesn’t need a bicycle.

  9. Need to deploy chillren, the Climate Whiners like greta, to poke sticks in the spokes of these biking jackasses.

    Judging by the girth of that Spaniard’s thighs, she need to spend hours on the bike in the gym

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