Climate Radicals Strike Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate – IOTW Report

Climate Radicals Strike Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate


German climate activists sprayed orange paint onto Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate on Sunday morning to urge the German government to take more urgent action against climate change.

Members of the group the Last Generation used fire extinguishers filled with paint to spray all six columns of the popular landmark in Germany’s capital. The group’s priorities include getting Germany to stop using all fossil fuels by 2030 and take short-term measures, including imposing a general speed limit of 100 kilometers per hour (62 mph) on highways, to cut emissions more quickly. More

9 Comments on Climate Radicals Strike Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate

  1. Globaloney Warming – the new fanaticism of the ignorant.

    Another totalitarian religion, similar to izlam, that worships Satan and demands subjugation.

    Fuck these clowns – they’re too fucking stupid to live – literally.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. FUCK THE COMMIECRATS! It’s just now starting to feel like fall. Where I live that means our daytime high will just barely make it into the triple digits! It’s finally safe to go outside during the day without getting heatstroke!

  3. I posted this in the wrong place. The way these fukin’ ads load it makes shit jump around and you don’t know WTF you are commenting in unless you let it sit for a couple of minutes to settle down. FUCK THESE ADS!

  4. The Brandenburg Gate is a reminder that Germans (as a general rule) are fucken crazy!

    They are generally boorish, aloof, think they are the smartest people in the room, and have almost no sense of humor at all.

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