Climate Weenies Given the “Pain Grip” in Germany – IOTW Report

Climate Weenies Given the “Pain Grip” in Germany

Red State

A new controversy has broken out in Europe over the use of the so-called “pain grip” by German police. More specifically, it’s a restraint technique being used to remove climate change protesters who are blocking roads and otherwise causing chaos in public.

A recent viral video showed police using the move on a man who was sitting in front of a bus, ignoring orders to get up. As he’s carried onto the sidewalk, you can see his right hand being forced down to put pressure on his wrist. The man can be heard screaming as if he’s feeling the worst pain ever visited on any human in history. More

19 Comments on Climate Weenies Given the “Pain Grip” in Germany

  1. Point the hand down, grab it and rotate it towards the thumb pushing up. This is a very painful joint lock that gives the victim incentive to move when directed. Once you grab the same elbow with your other hand you can move the person around with no trouble.

    In Aikido and Taihojutsu it is called Sankyo (Third control).

    In Aikido it is Sankyo (third control).

  2. When I was growing up, it was generally accepted and understood that if you were an asshole to the cops that you would have painful things done to you very soon thereafter.

    Probably part of the reason we had a civilization then, and don’t now.

  3. SNS – believe it or not we had civilization when the Mob was in control of things too! Child molesters, rapists, women beaters, etc basically vaporized when found out.

  4. can’t understand why truckers that cross these routes put up w/ this crap.

    it’s aggravating as hell to watch the drivers drag these eco-weenies across the road just to watch them crawl back on the road like the scum-suckers they are, when just $15 worth of decent wire ties would solve the problem …

    wrap their wrists together w/ the ties, drag ’em to the nearest guard rail, fence pole, signpost, tie ’em to it & leave ’em there for the over-geared rollie-pollies on the PD …. problem solved for pennies a day!

    get the good kind. not the cheap chicom crap they sell on Cramazon or at Wally World. get something like t&b (Thomas & Betts) brand w/ the metal locking tang, about 20″-24″, about 1/4″ thick … they won’t be breaking out for a while

    … they can sit there & cry all day, like the stunted, spoiled children they are


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