Clinton appointed Judge – Gregory Presnell – Released Madeen’s Imam From Jail Saying “He Had No Ties To Terrorism” – IOTW Report

Clinton appointed Judge – Gregory Presnell – Released Madeen’s Imam From Jail Saying “He Had No Ties To Terrorism”

You’re a shite jurist, Gregory Presnell, and you are partially responsible for what happened in Orlando. You have your head up your a$$, like Clinton, like Obama, like every other progressive.

You say, “not all Muslims are terrorists.” Very well. But when you have an Imam right in front of your bench, that everyone knows is a very dangerous man, a terrorist who is not interested in “peace,” you screw the pooch. Why? Because you’re a liberal a$$hole, that’s why. Resign in shame, jerky. You are not serving in the best interests of the people. Well, innocent people, that is. You do a good job of serving the interests of jihadists.

Here is an article by the Conservative Tribune which asked at the time –

Judge Presnell’s decision to release Robertson, an obviously dangerous man, (see this article that lists his crimes, including armed robbery0- bfh) is embarrassing. What will he say when Robertson commits another violent crime or is caught supporting radical Islamic terrorist groups?


So, what do you say?

12 Comments on Clinton appointed Judge – Gregory Presnell – Released Madeen’s Imam From Jail Saying “He Had No Ties To Terrorism”

  1. It’s not just a disease of the left, though they are the carriers.

    Maurice Clemmons (February 6, 1972 – December 1, 2009) was an American who was responsible for the November 29, 2009, murder of four police officers in Parkland, Washington.[1] After evading police for two days following the shooting, Clemmons was shot and killed by a police officer in Seattle.

    Prior to his involvement in the shooting, Clemmons had at least five felony convictions in Arkansas and at least eight felony charges in Washington.[2] His first incarceration began in 1989, at age 17. Facing sentences totaling 108 years in prison, the burglary sentences were reduced in 2000 by Governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee to 47 years, which made him immediately eligible for parole. The Arkansas Parole Board unanimously moved to release him in 2000. Clemmons was subsequently arrested on other charges and was jailed several times. In the months prior to the Parkland shooting, he was in jail on charges of assaulting a police officer and raping a child. One week prior to the Parkland shooting, he was released from jail after posting a $150,000 bail bond.

    Clemmons’ murder of four police officers represents the largest number of law enforcement officers killed by one man in a single incident in U.S. history. ~Wiki

    Political correctness kills.

  2. it’s the same type of jurist who would jail a baker or florist for not supporting a homo wedding.

    or one who would rule differently because she was a latino.

  3. “not all muslims are terrorists”
    That line burns me up.
    Fact is that ALL muslims support terrorism.
    People chose to be Muslim or not, it’s like choosing to be a Nazi or a KKK member, you either agree with the program or you stop being a member or don’t join in the first place.

  4. I wonder why Donald trump is doing so well? He wasn’t my first choice not second choice. He was right under jim Gilmore at 18th place. But guess who I am voting for?

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