Clinton, Bush, and Obama Help Biden Resettle 66,000 Afghans across the U.S – IOTW Report

Clinton, Bush, and Obama Help Biden Resettle 66,000 Afghans across the U.S

Neon Nettle: Joe Biden has resettled over 66,000 Afghans across the United States with the help of former Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama.

The resettlement has taken just six months following Biden’s disastrous troop pullout from Afghanistan.

The Biden administration revealed the newest Afghan resettlement totals while noting 9,000 Afghans are living on U.S. military bases, which have been transformed into refugee camps.

Despite minimal vetting, more than 76,000 Afghans have been brought into the United States by Biden.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) also touted the involvement of a non-governmental organization (NGO) – – which was created by Clinton, Bush, Obama and financially backed by Facebook, Microsoft, Walmart, and Starbucks in order to settle as many Afghans in American communities as possible. MORE

20 Comments on Clinton, Bush, and Obama Help Biden Resettle 66,000 Afghans across the U.S

  1. Traitors to the American people and American exceptionalism, every last one of them, joey, obummer, slick willie and W. And Fakebook, Microsoft, Wally World and Starschmucks are all in cahoots with them as well. We don’t need any more Afghans allowed into this country legally (I question the legality of this) or intentionally to demand that we bow down to them at the expense of normal American citizens. That’s 76 K Afghans who need to stay in their own damn country and not be resettled here.

  2. Just what America needed!
    This is one more example of how these maggots continue to destroy this (once) great Republic. The Afghans have no Republican virtues – no experience in self-rule – no concept of a heterogeneous society. No offense to the Afghans, but they will bring their Satanic Moon Cult, their tribalism, and their violence with them.
    They should be re-settled in France – or England.

    One more treason.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I will wager NONE of these refugees are located anywhere near any of them or their big donors. What about the 17000 Americans Biden left behind? Who is going to help them?

  4. Not being poor; I took out my wallet and paid attention to what the degenerate, lefty “Dubya” was doing 25 years ago. So , being conservative, I never voted for him. He proved me right fast with dirty Jarhead Mueller at FBI. Then followed up with :Brennan, Clapper, Comey ….

    “Dubya” continues to prove no me right!
    A degenerate, lying son of a whore!

    Ladies, please pardon my French. But I know no other words to describe the leftist

  5. I heard today that my part of Indiana got 7,000 new Democrat voters/jihadis. I am seriously considering building a bunker on my farm. Thankfully, I do not own a single goat, so it might be alright.

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