The Hill reports that Hillary Clinton (D-NY) has reached beyond the two left coasts in its bid to build the largest campaign chest known to man.
Her campaign has reportedly raised funds in 38 states, more than both candidates from both parties in 2012.
“Clinton will need to extract everything she can from the smaller markets to keep up her campaign’s aggressive spending. Her team has a bigger salary bill than any other candidate and spent 86 percent of the $29 million it raised last quarter.”
How has big campaign spending worked for Scott Walker and Jeb Bush in this election?
Color me confused. Wasn’t she begging people in New York City to provide housing for her army of unpaid “volunteer” campaign workers several months ago? What, did that brilliant strategy not work out?
Money grubbing cunt….she cannot wait to fleece the world into her pantaloons…fuck that Arkansas hillybilly bitch and the Willie she rode in on….
Unfortunately, the prez elections have become nothing more than the “Campaign Consultant Full Employment Act” of (fill in the blank year)–partially supported by matching funds of the FEC.
At the end of the day, they’ll spend almost a half a billion dollars just to support some loser consultants (who claim they have their fingers on the pulse of the electorate) who’ll crawl back into their caves until the next prez cycle after feeding on the tit.
We’ve awoke to their bullshit but they know that there are still enough people who are our “betters” who’ll donate generously to help maintain the consultant lifestyle that they’ve become accustomed.
Karl Rove is ill equipped to actually work for a living (but he has Fox buying his whiteboards so he can save a buck or two.)
The Clinton’s live under rocks and so do snakes.
They can’t get citizens to vote for them based on the quality of their ideas, they can only try to convince people to vote against their opponents who they will spend loads and loads of money to try to destroy the other person’s reputation.
The poster looks like the work of Sabo.
it’s just another way to hide clinton foundation and foreign money
She’s going to buy her way out of jail one day.
Just as I suspected; a lot of leftists live under rocks…