‘Clinton Cash’ Author: Clinton Foundation Foreign Cash Ban ‘Too Little, Too Late’ – IOTW Report

‘Clinton Cash’ Author: Clinton Foundation Foreign Cash Ban ‘Too Little, Too Late’

Breitbart: In the wake of reports that the Clinton Foundation may have been hacked, Hillary Clinton’s embattled foundation announced on Thursday that, if Clinton is elected, her foundation will no longer accept the kinds of foreign and corporate donations at the heart of the Clinton Cash scandal.

The new pledge is a stunning tacit admission of wrongdoing, but it comes too little too late and raises the obvious question: If it would be wrong for Hillary’s foundation to accept foreign cash as president, why wasn’t it wrong for Hillary’s foundation to accept foreign cash from oligarchs and countries who had business pending on her desk as Sec. of State?

Moreover, if, as has been confirmed by numerous mainstream media organizations, Hillary Clinton violated her ethics pledge with the Obama administration to disclose all Clinton Foundation donations, why should the American people believe she would now honor a new pledge to forgo bagging cash from foreign oligarchs and countries?


6 Comments on ‘Clinton Cash’ Author: Clinton Foundation Foreign Cash Ban ‘Too Little, Too Late’

  1. Right. That’s how it works anyway. Now that the “quid” has changed hands, it’ll be time for the “quo”. So how about if Crooked Hillary promises that she’ll also stop dispensing political favors to those who’ve ALREADY greased her bloody palms.

  2. “If” she’s elected?
    So they’ll be adding another $Billion dollars from foreign governments, corporations and pay to play donations until then?
    Wow, what a sacrifice when you have already “unethically” collected $2 Billion already. Now that’s ethics Clinton style!
    Character? What character?

  3. She’s hedging her bets here—no refunds if she loses, but plenty of time to get on the gravy train for those of you who want to stroke her ego before she stops taking your largess, which if memory serves me correctly would be 23:59:59 on January 19, 2017–unless her demon spawn should somehow start a new “foundation” in 2017. I can see it now….a toddler with a multi-million dollar “nest egg” controlled by mommy and grandma.

  4. the foundation will be renamed, restaffed and relocated, probably to somewhere like Saudi Arabia. numerous layers of ownership/management will attempt to cover the true owners. In short nothing new, same old Clinton shit.
    When discovered it will be the same game plan, nothing to see here, move along. Oh look squirrel.

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