Comedian Fined $42,000 by Human Rights Tribunal for Telling a Joke – IOTW Report

Comedian Fined $42,000 by Human Rights Tribunal for Telling a Joke

HeatStreet: Canadian comedian Mike Ward was fined a whopping $42,000 by Quebec’s Human Rights Tribunal for jokes he made about a disabled boy.

The child, Jérémy Gabriel, who suffers from Treacher Collins Syndrome, is a bit of a national celebrity in Canada after he sung for the pope in 2006 essentially because everyone thought he did not have long to live. Ward’s joke was a rant about how the child was supposed to die, that he “stole a wish” and is unkillable. Sure, not in great taste, but certainly not in violation of the kid’s “human rights.”  MORE

13 Comments on Comedian Fined $42,000 by Human Rights Tribunal for Telling a Joke

  1. Hey, Human Rights Tribunal. First of all, what the heck is that? In the U.S. we would call it a court.

    Did this comedian deprive the kid of his life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness? Nope? Didn’t think so, so shut the heck up.

  2. If he said that joke here he’d be the Canadian Yakov Smirnoff; that 80s Russian comedian whose schtick was how the USSR sucked.

    $42k is getting off pretty easy if you think about it. Make an off joke here nowadays and your career could be over.

    There was a 90s comedy show called ‘Def Comedy Jams’. The brunt of most of the jokes was white guys and the audience howled.

  3. The Human Rights Tribunal is a gift left to us by the late and unlamented Pierre Elliot Trudeau whose dumber son is now the Prime Minister of my country (his former occupations include Bar bouncer, 2nd grade teacher and lifelong student). It’s generally used to shut up people the left/progs disagree with and the Quebec branch is especially virulent.

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