Clinton Delegate Admits Hillary Will Ban Guns – IOTW Report

Clinton Delegate Admits Hillary Will Ban Guns

Just as “comprehensive immigration reform” is palatable code for open borders, a Clinton delegate says that when Hillary uses the phrase “common sense gun legislation” it’s just subterfuge to fool voters. What she really means is total gun grab.

ht/ tsunami

27 Comments on Clinton Delegate Admits Hillary Will Ban Guns

  1. Ban ’em.
    Ban them all.
    Get your friends in the UN to come get them.
    I have painted a bunch of toy plastic army helmets blue and take them out into the desert for long range fun with Mr Rifle
    I will stack those invading bastards up and build forts out of their corpses

  2. I no longer care what unConstitutional laws are passed, or BoRs are repealed. WWNC — We Will Not Comply.
    It’s worked pretty good so far for NY, CT, CO. Gun control laws have been passed, but the compliance rates are very low, estimated anywhere from 5%-15%. and Teh Authoritahs don’t know whether to shit or go blind. Do they ignore the non-compliance, and weaken their “Mandate From Heaven”? Or do they risk attempting to seize known unregistered weapons, and spark a shooting war? Which they are severely outnumbered, and they know it.

  3. B Woodman
    Add California to your list. Nobody is going to comply. Including about 85% of Law Enforcement. Hell the LEO’s have their own FB page here. Cops that will not comply.

  4. Who is going to come get my guns? The local police won’t. I know a lot of them, and they aren’t going to comply with any fed orders to disarm citizens. The armed bureaucrats won’t. They live among us, and while they are out trampling on our God-given rights, who is going to protect their homes and families? The military won’t. They all swore an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution and are more likely to turn on the oppressors than on citizens. So, who is going to come and get them? If that screeching hag gets into the White House (again), her overreach will be disastrous in general, but it will be particularly awful for her supporters. After all, they don’t have guns, right?

  5. All it usually takes is a few high-profile examples.

    Gun-guy mouths off publicly, the Storm Troopers (BATFE & FBI) make a visit and brutally murder EVERYONE in the home, including the dog, noticeably, with a lot of pictures. If anyone survives, she’s sent to a concentration camp for re-education. The neighborhood is then searched, house by house, garage by garage, closet by closet and the neighbors who are found to own weapons “disappear” while the neighbors who pimped for the Storm Troopers are publicly rewarded.

    “How do you eat an elephant?

    One bite at a time.”

    Sheep rarely unite to resist the wolves; much less to the execution pens by their “shepherds.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Tim:
    And the question I have for local LEO that say they will not enforce or will not comply is if I end up defending me and mine from a Federal or State agency what are you going to do? Help them, help me, sit it out? We can all hang together or we can all hang separately.

  7. I just got home. I went to see Hillary’s America today. If you have not seen it you should. It roused the crowd, now you have o take into consideration the movie started at 12:20 on a Tuesday, the 74 people in the theater all stood at the end for the National Anthem in the movie. Followed by a standing ovation.

    Afterward in the hallway there were complete strangers talking with each other about “this being our last chance to save the Republic”. People were crying. Dinesh was right about Obama with his movie 2016 and I’m certain he is on the mark with Hillary’s America.

  8. Lazlo
    Ban ’em.
    Ban them all.
    Get your friends in the UN to come get them.
    I have painted a bunch of toy plastic army helmets blue and take them out into the desert for long range fun with Mr Rifle
    I will stack those invading bastards up and build forts out of their corpses

    Note to self: going to need bulldozer – start looking for bargains.

  9. Trump needs to make it so that Hillary isn’t allowed to run for any state, county or city office. No special access, no security clearance, hell, she shouldn’t even be allowed to buy clearance items in a store.

  10. They are welcome to try to take mine first. I would rather die fighting for my rights, than live on my knees as a slave to a tyrannical government. If/when they come, they had better bring a shitload of body bags, because I don’t fire warning shots, and I don’t shoot to wound unless it’s to draw out others to target. And anyone who tries to come for me, is no longer an American in my view, but an enemy combatant.

  11. @even steven July 26, 2016 at 2:07 pm

    > Who is going to come get my guns?

    Everybody that wants next week’s check to clear, and all (ALL) the retirement bennies to keep flowing (for ever, and ever, ah well).

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