Clinton “Fixer” Claims Bill Was “Doing” Markie Post – IOTW Report

Clinton “Fixer” Claims Bill Was “Doing” Markie Post

Remember the old Night Court actress?

It seems she was going through Bill’s briefs.

Clinton fixer claims he bought photos of Bill with TV star, scrubbed Vince Foster’s office at Hillary’s request , and responded to allegations that Bubba was inappropriate with Mary Hart



10 Comments on Clinton “Fixer” Claims Bill Was “Doing” Markie Post

  1. Bill Clinton could have been “Dan” played by John Larroquette, the sexually crazed lawyer in Night Court who was always trying to get Markie in bed. He was a sleaze ball too.

  2. We don’t really need anymore evidence that Bill Clinton was/is a sleazy sex pervert. That is already a well established fact. We need to get the goods on Hillary Clinton. What does he have on Hillary Clinton?

  3. If I hit that I’d make it a central part of my election campaign!

    I am not going to put shit on Bill or Donald for doing what a large portion of the male population would high five them for (as long as their wives weren’t there).

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