Clinton Forced To Respond to Benghazi Lawsuit – IOTW Report

Clinton Forced To Respond to Benghazi Lawsuit

The parents of Sean Smith and Tyrone Wood have been pursuing a lawsuit against Hillary Clinton for “wrongful death, defamation, and intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress.” The Clinton camp has refused to accept a court summons to answer the complaint.

But now the clerk of court has filed a default judgment against the accused and Clinton’s lawyer David Kendall is protesting the filing declaring the Clintons were never properly served.



15 Comments on Clinton Forced To Respond to Benghazi Lawsuit

  1. I’m not too familiar with the permissible methods of service under the FRCP, but under NY’s rules, service on the security guard at her “place of business” is good service, especially when there is no way the guard would let a process server into the inner sanctum to serve a secretary.
    But considering it’s Sir Edmund Cankles, I’m sure that Comey will write the decision on the motion and vacate the default.
    I never used to be this cynical.

  2. Law as practiced in Little Rock, Arkansas by the Patriarch Clinton and husband. She is just TOO FUCKING BIG to be indicted, she thinks. If they cannot buy the judge off to dismiss this, they will have him killed. This is how they do Bidness in this hokey backwater state. Too bad the locals don’t get fed up with all the negativity and raid the Prezzi’s fortress and take them both, burning torches and ropes. Cankles has not set foot in this state since moving to Nu Yak. This is probably why.

  3. Donald Trump does not have to pay a fortune for ads. The clinton crime syndicate provides hourly news flashes for free, continuing to shove Trump’s numbers up and hers down. wonder how she feels to have her past continuously pounding her fat ankles into the turf and collapsing over and over and over. She is a real trouper for Lucifer. Damned SKANK!

  4. People go to court thinking that they are going to get Justice and they get the Law. The difference is that the Law is whatever some judge thinks it is supposed to be on any given day, and that can change hourly. Justice will only be found after years of legal rangling and chicanery. The Clintons are both shysters served by very talented shysters with millions of dollars to delay Justice. Once the Reckoning finally is found in a court of Law ( not Justice ) the Clintons will appeal the decision or verdict all the way to the Supreme Court, where Hillary’s Judges will overturn everything. The only way Justice will prevail is if Trump nominates the next Supreme Court Justices. Don’t forget to vote in November.

  5. “…the Clintons were never properly served.”

    So THAT’s why Hillary doesn’t want to appear in public unless she has to. Can’t find me, can’t serve me with papers.

    It all makes sense now.

  6. its called – hide and seek–you cant find me so im not it. I do not wish harm or ill on anyone- but–maybe next time she walks up some steps she can slip and fall for good- I will watch CNN live of her funeral-Blitz may even cry over his loss–look she is walking up the stairs-o no, she fell and broke her neck…he will piss his pants then. 🙂

  7. Hire a cute little 7 year old girl actress to approach Hillary for an autograph or photo opportunity.. once she gets close enough.. hand her the subpoena and have her say “Suck it Bitch!”

  8. David Kendall should delete his Twitter account

    David Kendall should not have a job tomorrow

    David Kendall should be disbarred for being the Consigliere to the Clinton Crime Family

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