Clinton Foundation Down $36 Mil In Donations – IOTW Report

Clinton Foundation Down $36 Mil In Donations

Now that the Clintons no longer have an office to sell, the willingness of benefactors to donate to their namesake Foundation has fallen off by more than half.

Tax records from last year show a decline from nearly $63 million in 2016 to roughly $26.5 million in 2017. The amazing thing is that these two grifters were still able to rake in money. More

6 Comments on Clinton Foundation Down $36 Mil In Donations

  1. One of the bigger contradictions of the left. Public servants who preach socialism getting filthy rich doing favors for big corporations and shady foreign governments. No room for cognitive dissonance there.

  2. Judgeroybean, exactly. I’d also like to know who she promised high ranking positions in her administration. I bet a lot of the spite of several people is based on such promises turning to ashes because of good old DJT.


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