Clinton Foundation Has A Lousy Auditor – IOTW Report

Clinton Foundation Has A Lousy Auditor

The Daily Caller has looked into the track record of, BKD, the chief auditing firm for the Clinton Foundation and found a troubled history. A regional accounting firm, has been described by financial review expert Charles Ortel as “a small, under-resourced accounting firm “strikes me as pattern of gross negligence and willful malfeasance on the part of the trustees.”



The firm ranks “in the bottom half of all auditing companies in the United States.” Foundation experts are mystified why the Clintons wouldn’t use a top tier accounting firm for verifying the veracity of its financial reports.


3 Comments on Clinton Foundation Has A Lousy Auditor

  1. Yeah it is shocking a woman that would allow her illegal server to be housed in a bathroom in an unsecured office in Denver wouldn’t have higher standards for her auditor.

  2. Auditor, smauditor. She doesn’t want some pencil necked accountant nosing around her influence peddling deals or latching onto a hot “Huma I’m Going Krazy Is Weiner Still There I Can’t Wait For You To” late night email.

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