Clinton: ‘I Don’t Know That I Ever Have’ Taken Money From Fossil Fuel Industry – IOTW Report

Clinton: ‘I Don’t Know That I Ever Have’ Taken Money From Fossil Fuel Industry

bitch, please

WFB: Hillary Clinton was asked by an attendee at her town hall meeting in Iowa Wednesday if she would sign a pledge saying that she would not accept money from the fossil fuel industry. Clinton said that she did not think that she had ever accepted money from the oil and gas industries. She joked that she was not one of their favorite people.

“Well, I don’t know that I ever have. I am not exactly one of their favorites,” Clinton said. “Have I? Well, I will check on that.”

A Huffington Post analysis revealed that all of her lobbyist-bundlers have worked for the fossil fuel industry at one point in time. The lobbying firm Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld has been registered to lobby for Chevron since 2006. Two of the firm’s lobbyists, Scott Parven and Brian Pomper, have bundled thousands of dollars for Clinton. They have also helped Chevron resist the efforts to eliminate oil and gas tax breaks.  more here


22 Comments on Clinton: ‘I Don’t Know That I Ever Have’ Taken Money From Fossil Fuel Industry

  1. YOU, PERSONALLY, may not have accepted money from the Fossil Fuel industry. . . . but I’ll bet a dollar to a dozen doughnuts that your “handlers” (should be “keepers”, jailers”, and “warden”) funnelled all of it to your Foundation.

    Kind of like the difference between a person being “offed” by a Mafia Don pulling the trigger. . . or that Mafia Don ordering a lower level hitman to do the deed. Small difference, the dead man is still dead.

    Speaking of which. . .I wonder how Vince Foster is doing these days?

  2. It’s like the scene in Stripes: “Convicted? No, never convicted.”

    She may not have accepted any money from the fossil fuel industry (unlikely) but I bet the Clinton Foundation has taken lots of money from the industry, from Saudi’s and various Middle Eastern entities with ties to oil.

    And how’s that fleet of Neon Leaf’s working to get you around to your campaign stops, Hillary? What? You’re going in SUVs? Are they solar powered? Wind? Well, at least electricity?

    GAS?!! WTF?

  3. this, god forbid, stands a good chance of being the next president

    she has a large electorate of zombies locked in,

    she can do anything she wants, it doesn’t matter to them

    we are beyond fooked if the clintons return to the white house, with this vacuous, vapid fool in charge

    it’s odd that bill and hillary are not blood-related, but lying makes up the fabric of both of their souls

  4. I fear that just like both elections of B.O., that the fix is in and no amount of reindeer games which are played by the left, right, or in between will keep Clinton out of the White House. I don’t want to be able to say “I told you so” but i do have my fears. because nothing has changed with the illegal Dem electorate of 2008 and 2012 except to add more of them.

  5. Lets assume for the moment that Hillary is not completely full of shit (I can’t believe I just wrote that) and she really doesn’t know she’s gotten money from the oil and gas industry.

    That means she’s running for office without the slightest idea who she’ll be owing favors to when she wins.

    Hear that libtards? She can promise you everything you want, and when she wins, the EVIL oil companies will swoop in and take the whole pot right from under your noses.

  6. I would have to ingest too copious amounts of a brain cell killing substance (legal or illegal) to sink that low.
    Which would put me on an intellectual par with most ProgLibTard DemonRats.

  7. Bingo!

    Someone should ask her if she knows anyone that has rheumatoid arthritis. One of the treatments for RA is Remicade. It is a medicine that must be administered through infusion. That means there are IV solution bags, tubing, connectors, fittings, and catheters. All of which are made from plastic which comes from OIL. And her democrat base wants to kill the oil companies.

    Gawd liberals are retarded!

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