Clinton IT Staffer Still Refuses to Testify Before Congress – IOTW Report

Clinton IT Staffer Still Refuses to Testify Before Congress


WFB: A lawyer for Bryan Pagliano, the former State Department computer staffer who set up Hillary Clinton’s private email server, recently informed Congress that he will not testify before Senate committees investigating Clinton’s email setup.

The Associated Press obtained a letter sent by Mark MacDougall, Pagliano’s lawyer, on March 11 indicating that his client would “respectfully decline” the offers from the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Senate Homeland Security Committee to testify before congressional lawmakers.

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16 Comments on Clinton IT Staffer Still Refuses to Testify Before Congress

  1. Gee, I didn’t know that all you had to do to bypass the law was by telling authorities “I won’t cooperate”. That’s good to know. Let’s tell everybody we know.

  2. “They” should have made the immunity contingent on his agreement to testify. But hey, there’s no conspiracy amongst the elites and their running dogs in justice and the federal investigatory agencies…nothing to see here. Move along Citizen. Now.

  3. He got immunity from the FBI (via Justice) however I don’t think that covers contempt of congress. Couldn’t Congress compel him to appear under threat of jail? If he did appear and took the fifth what could Congress do to compel him to testify?

  4. “Whatever agreement Mr. Pgliaro may have reached (concerning immunity) with the Justice Department does not constitute a waiver of his Fifth Amendment rights.”

    No, but refusing to testify with immunity does make him look like a little, unpatriotic, ingrate shit.

  5. Bet I could make him talk …

    Bet I could make HRC tell the truth, for once in her miserable life, too …

    But it’s illegal … and probably immoral …

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. f he did appear and took the fifth what could Congress do to compel him to testify?

    The same thing Congress used to compel Cankles and Holder to testify.

    Oh. Wait…

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