Clinton Lackey Offers Money For Dirt on Trump – IOTW Report

Clinton Lackey Offers Money For Dirt on Trump

Weirdo, David Brock, is offering dough for dirt.

Nickarama makes an excellent point in regards to this latest development.


ht/ Joe

29 Comments on Clinton Lackey Offers Money For Dirt on Trump

  1. Pathetic. Because there’s probably tons of footage of Brock glory-holin’ at the Ramrod Club he can’t even conceive of normal people who don’t have “dirt” out there on them.
    Also, digging up dirt on the opponent of the most corrupt woman politician in American history is priceless.

  2. Renfield was a sympathetic character, a decent man driven mad by Dracula.

    Brock looks more like the weak sadist M.D. at a Nazi concentration camp.

    If there were any serious dirt on Trump out there, the Dems would have obtained it and used it already.

    Trump for a landslide.

  3. Desperate… Trump must be the one person in the elitist world the Clintons don’t have an FBI/filth file on. That is what happens when you stay out of politics and a run a successful private business for decades.

  4. Saw NBC Nightly News tonight against my will.
    Puffy piece that Hillary health concerns are overblown.
    And then they got to Trump. Ugliness upon ugliness.
    Game on. Be ready my friends.

    Discussions here and within the Sane-O-Sphere may not override the Insane Clown Party.

    Tonight NBC tripled down.

    Beware. Hillary hiding > Donald talking. And they know it.

  5. Brad and Riverlife, Can i bring my Longhorn bull? He has his nutsack and he is more ornery than Cankles when she gets used hard and put up wet. That 5 foot spread can rack em sideways, head on butting, and rip em on the turns.

  6. Straight out of Hammer Filn Productions, a fake German accent and ends up dead after 45 minutes.

    Webster nails it.
    Simple Definition of creep: a strange person who you strongly dislike

  7. Yes, I’ll tell you about DIRT and TRUMP. When his building at 40 Wall Street, NYC was being renovated, the conditions were deplorable. (new word for me). You deplorables will understand.
    Dust, no air, no toilets- one commode in a vacant floor, every three floors. Horrible conditions. Until it came to Trump’s attention.
    Within a week after it came to TRUMP’S attention. there was a full toilet every two or three working floors. with sink, commode,urinal,
    tiled floors,tiled walls, and a privacy lock.
    Now, to those of you who don’t think that is not a big deal, you can pog mo theoin.

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