Clinton Lackey Says “Don’t vote for Hillary if you demand the Clinton Foundation be shut down” – IOTW Report

Clinton Lackey Says “Don’t vote for Hillary if you demand the Clinton Foundation be shut down”

Pillow biter, Brian Fallon, is terribly tearful at the thought that the Clintons won’t be allowed to extort dirty money from around the globe any longer.

He says we are all just so, so stupid… stupidheads, in fact, to not understand that the only reason people are surviving is because the Clintons give them their AIDS drugs.

And John Gotti gave block parties. When he was indicted there were people pissed off because they no longer got free sausage and funnel cakes.

It’s an old tactic.

ht/ The Big Owe

5 Comments on Clinton Lackey Says “Don’t vote for Hillary if you demand the Clinton Foundation be shut down”

  1. Tony R, Trump bitch-slapped him on twitter, and when Moaning Joe found out that most people thought he deserved it, he sat back down and refocused, like he was told to do by smart people who don’t work at MSNBC. But I repeat myself.

  2. I dunno, Tony. I’ll go so far as to say he maybe rented a pair. Perhaps from a rent-to-own place and he’ll keep them through the run-up to the election. We’ll just have to see.

  3. “Don’t vote for Hillary if you demand the Clinton Foundation be shut down”

    Someone who doesn’t understand the concept of what a threat is.

    “Roast me! Hang me! Do whatever you please,” said Brer Rabbit. “Only please, Brer Fox, please don’t throw me into the briar patch.”

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