Clinton Legacy Being Reshaped – IOTW Report

Clinton Legacy Being Reshaped

The shape is that curved demon dick of his.

Once we ask the question, poised by Jim Geraghty, the answer is obvious.


Clinton influenced a generation of demon dicks who thought, “if a president can get away with this in plain sight, so can I.”

And just look at that power and money hungry shrew looking at the abject liar and thinking,  “this man of mine is a master manipulator. How does he do it? He’s a god.”

Have you seen that one of the dumbest pundits on the internet has now, decades too late, thrown Clinton under the bus?

12 Comments on Clinton Legacy Being Reshaped

  1. I specifically remember Evan Thomas of Newsweek comparing Ronald Reagan with Barack Obama. He said something like Reagan was all American but Obama was more than that, he was above all that, “he was like a God.”

  2. I remember all the news stories about high school kids taking part in oral sex in the classrooms during all of Clinton’s sexual crime spree. They said what you point out here, “If the POTUS can do it, why not us?”

  3. I have reluctantly come to believe that laws are only written to keep the little people working hard and those that threaten the ruling class fortunes and influence, in prison. Unless things change for the better…we face a very ugly future.

  4. Bill and Hilary’s punishment should be this:
    They are both locked in a storage container.
    They are fed and there is a toilet in there.
    Bill’s food contain’s amphetamines and the max dose of Viagra daily
    Hilary’s food has diuretics and foods that promote yeast infections
    A small screen plays porn continuously.

  5. I think it is stupid for celebrities to go political or to take a stand on controversial issues. They automatically lose half (or more) of their audience/fans/supporters. I can’t tell you how many movies/TV shows I don’t watch any more because the actors have spouted off.

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