Clinton North Korea Nuclear Capability/U.S. Deal Speech – IOTW Report

Clinton North Korea Nuclear Capability/U.S. Deal Speech

Petrus sent this in-


(I do believe Pinko is going to feel ripped off. He started the “Bull$hit” video meme years ago.)

13 Comments on Clinton North Korea Nuclear Capability/U.S. Deal Speech

  1. Slick Willie and barry both are the living embodiment of bovine excrement. Nothing either one of them says is ever the truth, they are both full of huge mountains of stinking, festering piles of crap. If ol slick hadn’t given away all of our nuclear secrets and missile technology to the Norks back in the 90’s we wouldn’t have this problem. And why wasn’t this treason?

  2. @JMV: And here’s the quote that started it all:

    “We, the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, for so long, with so little, we are now qualified to do anything with nothing.”

    ― Konstantin Jireček (1854 – 1918)

  3. How did the NorKs get to Thermonuclear in just 6 tests from 2009-2017. Not to mention their sudden proficiency in ICBM manufacturing, and successful launching capabilities. They had help. They had a lot of help. Was it China, Russia maybe, or the USA via a certain Stuttering A$$HAT pResident? Hear me out.

    Bill Clinton gave the Chinese our guidance secrets, and the NUKE green light to the Psycho Killer Daddy of lil Kim. A Honey Pot Nuclear Deal. Baby Bush, and Obozo had the Chinese launching our top secret military satellites into orbit while the Space Shuttle was grounded. Russia was launching the pieces of the I.S.S. into space, they were also ferrying the replacement crewmembers to and from, and all their supplies. ON OUR DIME! All of that is a matter of public record. Hitlery as Sec. of State sold our National Secrets, and some 20% of our Uranium for donations to her Clinton Crime Family. Dennis Rodman made many trips, as a “Special Emissary of the Obozo Administration,” to the Hermit Kingdom to “play ball” w/ lil Kimmy. Rodman last went there right about the same time President Trump was inaugurated. Horse Face Kerry was in there for something or rather awhile back. The NorKs are the ones who sell the missles to Iran. Iran was given another Nuclear Honey Pot of a Deal, and $140,000,000.00.

    IMHO, Obama and Crew, are responsible for a lot more of this recent Nuclear Progress in the hands of the world’s Madmen then we have been told. The World, will be cleaning up this $hit for a very long time.

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