CLINTON PRIVILEGE: Man ‘under FBI investigation’ rejected from 6 minimum wage jobs – IOTW Report

CLINTON PRIVILEGE: Man ‘under FBI investigation’ rejected from 6 minimum wage jobs

AmericanMirror: Provocative YouTube prankster Joey Salads put Hillary Clinton’s application to become President of the United States into a real world context, and his “social experiment” is providing a sobering commentary on her qualifications.


Salads posted his “FBI Investigation Job Interview (Social Experiment) Hillary Clinton” video to YouTube Monday, and it makes it clear the Democratic presidential candidate would be unlikely to secure even a minimum wage job in America without her political connections.

“You may not know this, but many people do, Hillary Clinton is under FBI investigation and she’s running for president of the United States,” Salads said in the video, which featured a disclaimer informing viewers it was filmed before the agency opted not to pursue charges against Clinton, despite evidence her private email server compromised national security while she was Secretary of State under President Obama.

“So I came up with a social experiment where I’m going to apply for six fast food and convenience store jobs working minimum wage. On my application, I’m going to put ‘under FBI investigation’ and see if I get any call backs,” Salads continued.

“On two of the applications, I am not going to write ‘under FBI investigation’ to see if they call me back.”

Salads scoped out locations that were hiring, and tuned in his applications – at a Wendy’s, a McDonald’s, a private pizza shop, a grocery store, and other locations.


h/t SnowballTheSourpuss

6 Comments on CLINTON PRIVILEGE: Man ‘under FBI investigation’ rejected from 6 minimum wage jobs

  1. yeah… you can’t get a job delivering pizza if you are “under FBI investigation”…..but you can be president, as long as you have enough money behind you, and just as many people ready to cheat the system as necessary……

    ain’t america wonderful????

    talk about “land of the free”…..dang…….these people knows how to use free………free from laws, free from consequences, free from jail-time, they’re even free from paying taxes…..

    too bad they’re not free from God’s justice.

    problem is, the rest of us have to live with the destruction they leave behind, every thing they do…..

    yeah, we get to vote….


    first time my VOTE will have any meaning, it will be because i’m not holding a pitchfork….i’m holding a SPADING FORK in my hands…..

    pitchforks are wimpy little wire forks….spading forks are for real iron implements that will tear your heart out….

    guess what?…..i went out a bought a couple of them, last year…..get’em while you can…….before “common sense spading fork control” becomes law…….

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