Clinton supporter, Lebron James, is on the cover of… – IOTW Report

Clinton supporter, Lebron James, is on the cover of…

Well, you have to go see it at Scooter’s place.

13 Comments on Clinton supporter, Lebron James, is on the cover of…

  1. Well he’s in good company…. SI released a double bonus issue July 2016 with “Where are they now? Caitlyn Jenner” on the cover.

    Both Jenner and LeBron appear proud to speak out for/against contrived injustices, I’ll wager they both value the “safety pin”, albeit for very different reasons.

  2. It’s too late for him to ruin the NBA for me. Ron Artest put the stake in what very little interest I had after over 10 years of increasing indifference to the thug culture. Never saw James play 1 minute so I guess he can be a SJW all he wants, don’t matter to me.

  3. “safety pin”

    isn’t this the generation who grew up sucking on pacifiers during their adolescence?

    these social justice warriors seem to be mostly persons of adult age who are stuck in their toddler years.

    what’s next federal government national mommies for all these child adults?

    oh, that’s right we already have the democrat and republican party’s to “mommy” these children.

  4. The tribe gotta stick together.
    I don’t know if anyone noticed, but Obola isn’t just a drug-addled, moslem, homosexual, marxist piece of shit – but he’s BLACK!, too – or, at least, HALF-BLACK!
    See, that means something of vital import to the “tribe.” Doesn’t mean shit to anyone else, but it means something to them.

    izlamo delenda est …

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