Clinton to pick a VP today; Kaine, Vilsack, Booker? – IOTW Report

Clinton to pick a VP today; Kaine, Vilsack, Booker?

ConservativeRead: Hillary Clinton is expected to announce her vice presidential running mate on Friday, with three names reportedly on the short list, sources told Fox News.

The sources also said the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee has not told those on her short list who has been eliminated.

The top three reportedly are Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker — a late entry.

Any announcement will be just days in advance of the opening of the Democratic convention in Philadelphia on Monday. Republican nominee Donald Trump followed a similar strategy, tweeting out his vice presidential choice of Indiana Gov. Mike Pence on the Friday before the Republican convention.  MORE

25 Comments on Clinton to pick a VP today; Kaine, Vilsack, Booker?

  1. Hillary’s choice will be the person who fits the following criteria:

    Not actually convicted of any crime.
    Not under active ethic/perjury investigation.
    Earned less that $25 million in government corruption/graft.
    Willing to pay at least lip service to national security rules.
    Has not expressly lied to Congress yet.

  2. What difference, at this point, does it make who she picks?

    It won’t make any difference.

    And what kind of idiot would accept being on her ticket anyway?

    Rumor is some big name Democrats will avoid the convention.

    Breitbart reports 75% of Americans gave Trump’s speech a thumbs up.

  3. None of these picks seem like they’d get the progressive Bernie base pumped up. Seems like she is going for the blandest choice and hoping she can just demonize Trump enough to win.

  4. The winner will be the one that can sell his soul to her. You can only serve one master and Hillary is a jealous god.

    Once she is anointed Bill becomes expendable. I wonder if Bill has any clue as to his expiration date?

  5. Cory Booker is too liberal for my taste, but at least he was the first honest mayor in Newark in decades and decades.

    Of course, this might mean that Hillary has absolutely no interest in him.

  6. @:

    “…those choices are as unexciting as her choice of pantsuits”

    True, but I must admit that I take note when she wears the B&W striped pantsuit.

    Maybe if the order was changed to Kaine, Booker, Vilsack…

  7. Just came back from seeing “Hillary’s America.”

    Anyone voting for – or otherwise supporting her – directly or indirectly – should be shot…to protect and defend America.

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