Clintons – Criminals To the End! – IOTW Report

Clintons – Criminals To the End!


Surprise! Electoral college ‘rebels’ who wanted to stop Trump WERE in touch with Clinton campaign (and now movement’s leader is facing prosecution)



  • Internal calls and emails reveal leaders of last-ditch effort to swing Electoral College from Donald Trump communicated with Clinton campaign officials
  • The Clinton camp kept its distance publicly and didn’t explicitly endorse efforts
  • Campaign chair John Podesta called for electors to get a security briefing after reports on CIA conclusions about Russian-backed hacking
  •  Calls and emails with senior campaign aides Jennifer Palmieri and Jake Sullivan 
  • ‘Look forward to being in touch’ 

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10 Comments on Clintons – Criminals To the End!

  1. Lock her up.

    After Jan 20, RICO them all.

    Freeze all funds and assets.
    Flag all passports to prevent fleeing the country to escape prosecution.
    Advise their Secret Service detail that the Clintons’ status may change from “VIPs” to “arrestee’s” on short notice.

  2. Yesterday I read somewhere that prosecuting Hillary now would be political and send the message to future candidates to win at all cost. Actually that’s what the democrats have been doing at least since Bill first ran and they are showing no inclination to change.

    The message that needs to be sent is that if you are a lying corrupt criminal you are going to prison and it doesn’t matter if you have a vagina or black skin or you’re part Cherokee.

  3. There can be no more forgive and forget with these criminals. Trump shouldn’t give a damn anymore what the public thinks and neither should the Senate or the House. Get the investigations (real ones, not the fake ones the MSM rolled out to the masses) going and leave no stone unturned. A committee to investigate the 2016 election that is open and completely above board and perhaps with a Grand Jury empaneled and ready to go, a real investigation of the Clinton Foundation including Hillary’s conduct vis a vis pay for play as well as an investigation into Haiti as well as Africa along with how and to who foundation funds were dispersed (did Bill Clinton receive $7 million from the fund and if so, what for) and allegations of Bill Clinton dispensing presidential pardons for money. The list is probably endless but if it’s an open investigation the MSM will have no choice to report on it else lose all their audience to Fox.

  4. PresElect Trump may not want to appear vindictive, but he better realize the rest of us do. We want their blood. We have endured their bullshit since the 1990s. She would have finished us off, taken away everything we have, and especially our freedoms….Special Prosecutors, specially impaneled grand juries, and trials for Clinton Foundation, Clinton GI, pay for play, selling state secrets, for security breaches, for treason, for murder. “Death by Firing Squad, Death by hanging, Death by lethal injection….just give them death!”

  5. If they were to continue that kind of politics in prison, it wouldn’t be so easy to escape justice. And hopefully it will involve the pointy end of many shanks.

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