Clinton’s Own Hired Reviewer Condemns Foundation’s Governance – IOTW Report

Clinton’s Own Hired Reviewer Condemns Foundation’s Governance

Concern about how her parent’s foundation was being run, Chelsea had an independent governance review done ” by a prominent law firm that specializes in philanthropic issues.”  The subsequence report is a damaging rebuke of the “quid pro quo” nature of its control structure, lack of oversight and rubber stamp approval by the Foundations compliant board of directors.


It takes the collusion of the DOJ and FBI to keep Hillary out of jail.


6 Comments on Clinton’s Own Hired Reviewer Condemns Foundation’s Governance

  1. Hoooboy…you know that Chels will be spanked hard by a gorilla working for Gramma Cankles for that tidbit… The old bitch cannot even stand up without a hoist, much less keep standing without being loaded up with drugs. These two decrepit spawns of Satan, Hills & Bills, need to be put away permanently. Watch Gramma revoke her daughter’s control over the family bidness, the Clinton Mafia aka Cartel.

  2. Gosh, I hope Chelsea doesn’t succumb to the pressure of running the foundation and shoot herself in the back of the head with two different caliber guns like Vince Foster did.

  3. You know the corruption is systematic when even the company you hire to cover for and validate your business practices can’t find a way to so. This would be like the UN IPCC hiring some prestigious ivy league university to peer review their findings on global warming and have university come back with a report saying “your methodology sucks ass!”. We need to torch and pitchfork the media, figuratively. Hold them to their own standards.When the start to weasel,spank them harder!

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