‘Clock Boy’ Sues Shapiro, Fox News, Glenn Beck – IOTW Report

‘Clock Boy’ Sues Shapiro, Fox News, Glenn Beck

The Daily Wire- On Monday, Mohamed Mohamed, father of Ahmed Mohamed, better known as “clock boy,” sued Daily Wire editor-in-chief Ben Shapiro, Fox News, and Glenn Beck, among others, for defamation.

On September 14, 2015, then-13-year-old Ahmed Mohamed famously brought a device to school in Irving, Texas claiming that he had “built” a clock; the clock looked suspiciously like an explosive device, and so school authorities took him out of class and called the police. The police temporarily held Mohamed, worried that he had constructed what they called a “hoax bomb,” before releasing him, but his story became a cause celebre due to charges of Islamophobia; President Obama asked Mohamed to bring his clock to the White House.

Now, Ahmed’s father is suing multiple media companies and personalities for defamation, including The Blaze, Glenn Beck, Center for Security Policy, Fox Television Stations, LLC, Ben Ferguson, and Beth Van Duyne, as well as Shapiro.


They already have the judge picked out to preside over the lawsuit.

His name is Judge Muhamad Mustafu and he belongs to a few organizations.

CAIR is one of them. The Council of  the Islamic State of Judges is another.

But don’t worry, the judge was born in Wisconsin. He’s an American, and he can totally do his job without any bias, so don’t even think about asking the judge to recuse himself, Mr. Shapiro.

32 Comments on ‘Clock Boy’ Sues Shapiro, Fox News, Glenn Beck

  1. Wow.



    You brought what appeared to be a bomb to school, we’re detained (not arrested) and then released without charges.

    If my son brought something like this to school, he’d get a whoopen and then I’d march him to the school to apologize to the staff and the students…..

  2. I hope he realizes the latitude the defence has in civil trials. What is he going to do, try and get money from them when they acutely spoke to the facts of the case?

    BTW, what happened to the suit against the school. Perhaps that is nor going so well so he had to resort to plan B.

  3. RadioMattM has an excellent point. I wonder whether the family realizes that during discovery the questioning goes both ways and under oath. The defendants can call the kid, the father, mother, siblings, friends, school officials, just about anybody that touches on this case. They can question him on his time id Qatar (or wherever it was) and why he decided not to take their offer of a free education, why his sister was suspends for something similar a few years earlier, the ties dad has with radical muslims etc etc. With luck, this fable they concocted will end up shredded.

  4. Clockmed is suing people for their legally-uttered 1st Amendment speech?


    Hey Clockmed! You are a Filthy Mohammedan Savage! FUCK YOU!

    Go back to Qatar in hte Middle East where you belong and take that corrupt traitorous bitch Clinton with you! (But tell her it’s not spelled “Catarrh”) 😉

  5. I don’t think anyone has explained the process to them and that there is a “discovery” phase where ClockMed and father are going to be asked some poignant questions.

    All who are being sued need to counter sue and the looser picks up the legal fees.

  6. Remember, all they did was take a standard cheapo $10 bedside alarm clock from WalMart/Kmart/Goodwill, bust it out of its plastic factory case, and glue the contents to the insides of a standard bombing-type metal briefcase, with a lock, to make the perfect Hoax Bomb.
    Because that’s how every normal law abiding American carries his timepiece around.
    In a solid metal X-ray-machine-proof portable bomb case.
    The type of modern digital alarm clock that Clock Boy and Clock Dad has a whole Nerd following (who knew?)
    The Nerds have websites and the specific model of factory-manufactures clock has already been identified, along with the date of manufacture and which discount chains sold it.
    The cops presumably have all the data on the clock as well. I’m assuming the manufacturers serial# is still on it, those are designed to be impossible to remove (to prevent counterfeiting).

    Discovery ought to be pretty devastating.

  7. “CAIR is one of them. The Council of the Islamic State of Judges is another.

    But don’t worry, the judge was born in Wisconsin. He’s an American, and he can totally do his job without any bias, so don’t even think about asking the judge to recuse himself, Mr. Shapiro.”

    YES! That’s is what made me laugh about this. The entire time that he ragged on Trump re: the Mexican judge who belonged to la raza and now he gets a taste of his own meds.

    Oh dear, dear.

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