Close Look at Biden’s Schedule Reveals How Many Hours a Week He Actually Works – IOTW Report

Close Look at Biden’s Schedule Reveals How Many Hours a Week He Actually Works

WJ: Concerns about Joe Biden’s age have been in the news ever since he announced his candidacy for president in 2019, to the point where it is becoming cliche to even mention his age.

But a recent report has emerged that once again illustrates just how important this issue actually is when it comes to the 2024 election.

On Tuesday, Biden announced that he was seeking re-election to the presidency, which led many people to wonder if Biden really had the mental strength and aptitude to run the country for another four years.

On Friday, three days after the announcement, Axios published a report about Biden’s work schedule, and let’s just say, it’s not what we would hope to see from the president. MORE

20 Comments on Close Look at Biden’s Schedule Reveals How Many Hours a Week He Actually Works

  1. There is some work being done. Lots and lots of it.
    You just don’t see it.
    It’s hidden.
    Right in front of your face.

    PS: Let it be known. It was said here first. They are clandestinely attempting to import thousands and thousand and thousands more Sudanese-Amerikans. You know, those houndreds of thousands of Americans that just happen to live in Sudan right next to Ethopia. msNBC and Banksturds of Amerikans and their spouses all working triple time to get money to transport these fellow Amerikans into safer cities inside the United States. msNBC is running video reports of Sudanese processing plants that are registering long lines of hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of All White People dressed in what appears to current suburban wear clothing in anytown USA and getting them registered for evacuations out of the active bonbimg warzones. The video seemed pretty calm for such dire circumstances. It almost appears to look like re-used Covid testing lines from a few years back that msNBC was running looped 24×7. Remember that?

    msNBC and Banksturds of Amerika and the Obama-Rice-Biden admin are running double-time operations on America. Be aware.

  2. “…which led many people to wonder if Biden really had the mental strength and aptitude to run the country for another four years.”

    Implying they thought he has HAD the strength to “run the country” for the past 2+ years? All he’s done is run his mumbling mouth, commit gaffes and sniff kids – and act like policies are his own.

    Agenda-driven, schlocky journalism manipulates wording to preload intentions in reader’s minds that don’t exist.



    Other than that, well said.

  4. Of course, he isn’t really doing any work. There are commie scumbags behind the scenes and he is only put in front of the teleprompter when needed. And he is incapable of that.


    How many of those Hours he apparently works are For The AMERICAN People vs. How many of those hours are COVERING HIS, HUNTERS & The DEMO’s ASSES?

  6. Does any IOTW critter think this demented perverted sack of fresh garbage human “works” more than 10 minutes a day?

    They pumped the goober full of Adderall and who knows what just to make a short appearance with AF cadet football team and he was still lost in the sauce.

    Open mouth, blank eyes, you can see how visibly uncomfortable the cadets are around this mindless drooling meatsack.

    He misses all his prompts and whiffs his cues, then he literally simply wanders off his eyes wild with terror to get the hell out of there after dropping a diaper load in his pants.

    This national disgrace is actually “running” again. He will flame out as we get closer to the coronation of Manchelle who will have to step in and “save” democracy.

  7. like the mind-boggling legislative assholes – “voting present” meaning they were on-site but did not vote. like hate crimes, lawyers devised this “category” after a self-colonoscopy.

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