“Cloth and surgical masks are effectively useless, Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s masking mandates serve as an undue burden” – IOTW Report

“Cloth and surgical masks are effectively useless, Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s masking mandates serve as an undue burden”


“The COVID-19 virus particulate measures 0.1 microns, which is 1000 times smaller in diameter than the diameter of a human hair. If Governor Pritzker actually seeks to ‘follow the science and data’ he should read O.S.H.A. regulations which are provided by the U.S. Department of Labor.”

C. Steven Tucker argues Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s masking mandates only serve as an undue burden on the public.

“Cloth masks are not considered to be PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) because they cannot be sealed,” Tucker, also a Chicago Tea Party activist said. “Respirators such as N-95 and half and full face respirators can be sealed which makes respirators actually effective. This being the case, cloth and surgical masks are effectively useless when seeking protection from the COVID-19 virus.”

Tucker argues there’s nothing that can change that.

With Pritzker declaring the state is “running out of time as our hospitals run out of beds,” the masks are required regardless of vaccination status.

“Illinois will join several other states that have reinstituted statewide indoor mask requirements, regardless of vaccination status,” he said.


12 Comments on “Cloth and surgical masks are effectively useless, Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s masking mandates serve as an undue burden”

  1. That mask must have magic powers – protecting that whale from heart attack, diabetes and dangerous high blood pressure.

    If only his mask were big enough to protect us from the sight of him.

    Have you heard Fauci even once mention that getting healthy (ie losing some of your comorbidities) and strengthening your immune system might be a good idea? I haven’t. Just masks, hand washing, social distance and vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, booster, booster, booster.

  2. This fat clown Pritzker has never done anything in his life except spend his inheritance. He bought the Governor job and now is wielding power with edicts.

    He may not be doing anything worthwhile, but he is doing something, H8ter,

  3. It has nothing to do with WuhanFlu – and a lot of people are catching on.

    If you can breath through the mask, it will NOT stop a virus – PERIOD.
    Every medical professional knows this – why they refuse to say it out loud is a mystery – or cowardice.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. A pattern I’ve recently noticed about masktard cultists I know personally, the kind of people who demand everyone wear a mask at all times in order to protect the masktard’s health. They were all the kinds of people who in their youth between 18 and 50 used their own mouths as Grand Central Station for cigarettes, booze, junk food, and dicks. And now that they are in their 60s, they’re suffering the inevitable chronic effects of all the stupid shit they did throughout most of their adult life. And, of course, just like their entire lives beforehand, it’s everyone else who has to bend over backwards to accommodate their stupidity.

    “Ooooh… I smoked a pack a day for 50 years, and now I have COPD and emphysema… So your kid has to wear a mask all day; so he doesn’t give me COVID!!!”

    How about… Fuck you. We’re not responsible for your bad health. You limit your life to deal with your condition, and quit fucking with our lives, you selfish motherfuckers.

  5. Part of that painters problem is the fact that the painter has a beard. There is no mask available that will seal if the wearer has a beard. With that being said, I agree with his overall message.


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