CLOWN Robert Reich: Elon Musk’s ‘Libertarian’ Views on Internet ‘Dream of Every Dictator’ – IOTW Report

CLOWN Robert Reich: Elon Musk’s ‘Libertarian’ Views on Internet ‘Dream of Every Dictator’


Clinton stooge Robert Reich seemed to forget the meaning of the word “contradiction” while attacking the world’s richest man’s libertarian views on the internet.

The former Secretary of Labor scaremongered to his readers how Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s “vision for the internet is dangerous nonsense.” But then Reich immediately contradicted himself in the subheadline for his April 12 Guardian op-ed: “Musk has long advocated a libertarian vision of an ‘uncontrolled’ internet. That’s also the dream of every dictator, strongman and demagogue.” Uh, what? Apparently Reich doesn’t understand the definition of the word “libertarian“: “Libertarians are classical liberals who strongly emphasize the individual right to liberty.” 

Tablet Magazine Chief Technology Officer Noam Blum summed up Reich’s nonsense perfectly: “Ah yes – the authoritarian dream of a free, open, and uncensored internet.”

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19 Comments on CLOWN Robert Reich: Elon Musk’s ‘Libertarian’ Views on Internet ‘Dream of Every Dictator’

  1. Reich spent his entire life trying to get even with society because he’s to short to ride and amusement park rides.
    Reich’s never ever been right about one single damn thing. Remember back when Clinton was in office, the one with the dick, Reich was preaching daily, GET OUT OF THE TRADES, THE TRADES ARE DEAD, WE’RE MOVING TO A SERVICE BASED ECONOMY. We’re all sitting around wondering where’s the profit in that? And sure enough four years later the economy was in the shitter because no one could find machinists and sheet metal workers. Even though Clinton and Bush did everything they possibly could to send all our manufacturing to China.

  2. Reich is one of those idiots who writes screeds that are so fantastically stupid and bereft of any possible supporting arguments that he can only publish on sites that either have no comments section or heavily censored comments.

    He never would. On this idiotic piece, the logical question to ask him is what list of dictators can he produce that ever supported uncensored free speech? No such list exists, and if Reich doesn’t already know that, then he is stupid as well as being an asshole.


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