Club Land – IOTW Report

Club Land

31 Comments on Club Land

  1. “You wanna quit the club? No problem – but first you gotta talk to Vito. He and his associates will attempt to explain to you why it would be better for your health if you was to remain in our little organization.



  2. followers of islam are trying to kill each other as well as the non-believers.
    If certain followers can be honest with this fact, and they really believe they are peaceful, they would not follow islam themselves.

    So either change islam to where it actually IS peaceful, or destroy it.
    Until then, I cannot believe any muslim or any ‘westerner’ who follows or says islam is peaceful is an honest human being.

  3. When you quit the club your relatives are tortured or murdered, you lose your property and any employment

    I wish it was as simple as leaving a club.

    Totally agree with the sentiment though.

  4. I should add, I don’t even care what religion you leave islam for. Just leave it.
    Staying a part of a cult where it is allowable to butcher 2 pre-teen girls for singing and jumping in puddles after a much needed rain is just beyond disgusting.

  5. How about all the murders committed by the Christian Taliban? All the LGBT murdered and hung like scarecrows and African-americans gunned down by Christian police officers? Answer that one!

  6. CoD — oh, haaha! “killing” the competition. I’m so slow sometimes.

    (I’m still working in the afternoon sun, trying to dig a dead tree out of a large pot on our deck.)


    CIA Director Brennan Says Istanbul Bombings Should Serve as Warning to U.S.


  8. I’ve been doing a lot of research, and what I have found is shocking…ISIS originated from all of the unfulfilled Columbia Record House deals….You know when You paid a dime…to get free records/CDS/8Tracks????? and never followed through after receiving Your initial shipment???? The blame is squarely on our shoulders..

  9. I still miss “Larry the Liberal Faggot”.
    He has made the fundamental transformation to “Larry The Extremely Angry Liberal” and he has become quite militant.
    Probably an atheist pedophile Taliban who follows Attorney General Lynch’s direction, he’ll love you to death.

  10. Hung like scarecrows, you mean the one case? That was debunked a long time ago. His fellow addicts killed him in a drug deal gone bad. I don’t wish that on anybody, but if you are going to impune Christians for that, expect someone to call you on it. It had nothing to do with religion or sexual orientation.

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