Clueless Black Women Go On Black Only Retreat To Get Away From (Trump’s) White People – IOTW Report

Clueless Black Women Go On Black Only Retreat To Get Away From (Trump’s) White People

These idiots feel as if racism has accelerated since Trump became president, so they’ve run to a black only retreat in Costa Rica to take a much need respite from white people.

The mental illness includes such delusions as claiming white people say, “you’re good-looking for a black woman.”

If any white person says that to a black person they do  not represent white people, they represent retards.

One woman said she resents being told she is well-spoken for a black person, and asks, “what is that?”

That would be a Joe Bidenism-

If anyone needs a retreat and respite from annoying and exasperating people it’s people who need to get away from these a$$holes.


21 Comments on Clueless Black Women Go On Black Only Retreat To Get Away From (Trump’s) White People

  1. A few months ago a large black woman almost ran me over as I was walking into a grocery store.
    She of course parked in a handicapped spot and when she got out of the car I told her to watch where she was driving, “it’s a goddamn parking lot!”
    We both exchanged choice words but what surprised me was when she called me “Trump.”
    She said it several times, as if to insult me or automatically consider me a Trump voter because I am a white male.

    I never once called her a nigger, but I did call her a cow, a pig, a big fat EBT whore, but nope, I never called her the n word. 🙂

  2. I understand there are vast areas in their Motherland where there are nothing but black people.
    Delta is ready when you are ladies.
    How about Wakanda, they can go there and be Kangs.
    Wonder what the immigration policy is?

  3. Every day three more molecules in my brain become racist. If I’d been a tad older, I might have marched in Mississippi in the 1960’s (if Mom and Pops would have let me….). Then, things got better and affirmative action seemed, ah, ok. Finally, it peaked around the time Obama was elected, when stupid black arrogance and entitlement trumped knowledge, education, ability and talent. It’s very not good now. I hope Trump can turn it around for the “thinking blacks” but I feel damn sorry for them. It’s not looking good and I don’t like what they have done to me, to my thinking.

    I’m on their side: I wish I could “covert extinct” them out of my life and my world, entirely. ….Lady in Red

  4. They went to central America to feel appreciated. Not the most clever or worldly of women. Ladies, spend more time around some central and south American folks and get back at me about how they feel about black folks and especially about black folks in their respective countries.

  5. Funny, I catch flack for existing…and thanks to forced participation in the scheme that supports these ingrates, I can’t afford to go across the county for a “retreat”.
    Insert expletive laden closing sentence here.

  6. How wonderful it would have been if some ‘Ricans had attacked their “black privilege” retreat. Who would they have called on for help? Hmmmmmmmm…….?
    (and would the rescuers have responded…….in time?)

  7. If they can have an all black retreat why can’t we have an all white retreat? That’s a fair question, is it not?

    Everyone is tribal in some way, shape or form. So how come only white people are restricted?

    I want to go to a white Republican only retreat in the Caribbean. I want to be with my tribe. Make it and we will come.

  8. These women are SO racist and they all evidently have a persecution complex that makes them “pick up” on the slightest comment or look the wrong way. And it’s funny how they are culturally appropriating yoga and western clothing. Why don’t they put their money where their mouth is an leave for good?

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