Clyburn on Team Kamala Now – IOTW Report

Clyburn on Team Kamala Now


Representative James Clyburn (D-SC) said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” that Vice President Kamala Harris should be supported by Democrats “whether it’s in second place or the top of the ticket.” More

It seems Clyburn is going to have a little sit down with Joe and tell him what’s what. Here

23 Comments on Clyburn on Team Kamala Now

  1. Andrea Mitchell – I had to think for a minute about who she was. Then it hit me: Andrea Mitchell, The Afghan Hound of News Hounds, which I used to call her when she less ugly. Now she’s an Uber Afghan Hound.

    That hound belongs in a dog pound. NYC liberal dog to the core.

  2. The dirty little secret is that it simply does not matter what face democRATz put on the ballot. All votes are for the Communists running the show behind the scenes!!

  3. The Kalamitous Jamindian is not going to be denied her opportunity to become the first Black Colored Asian Female to occupy the Offal Office, even if she has to get help from Dementia Joey’s best Black Colored Friend. Doktor Jill and Humper are not leaving without a full pardon for every member of the Biden Family, except that granddaughter in in the Arkansas Navy.

  4. Swear to Gosh. (snicker) Newmax just had some black woman on from the NAACP demanding Biden let Kami run for Pres should he drop out because Biden promised them a black female president at the end of his term.

    Hey Lady, Kami ain’t black.

  5. “4 And I will give children to be their princes, and the effeminate shall rule over them.”
    “9 The shew of their countenance hath answered them: and they have proclaimed abroad their sin as Sodom, and they have not hid it: woe to their souls, for evils are rendered to them.”
    (Isaias 3)

    Not that the Kamel-ho is particularly effeminate.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Relax, just calm down and relax. The democrats have this all figured out as planned. The republicans? Well, they will fuck up and let us down as is their intention.


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