CNBC Asks Facebook Fans: ‘Do You Agree With ISIS?’ – IOTW Report

CNBC Asks Facebook Fans: ‘Do You Agree With ISIS?’


The media is a danger to this country.

This is akin to NBC asking its viewers and listeners in the 1940s if they agreed with the Nazis.

15 Comments on CNBC Asks Facebook Fans: ‘Do You Agree With ISIS?’

  1. This is what I don’t understand. Islime is the progenitor of Nazism. They are the protNazis except they don’t dress as well. Yet so many people, including Jewish people I know identify with the poor mistreated muslimes. . . I hope stupid isn’t contagious.

  2. I agree with all sects of islam, as long as they stay in their own country and kill each other. As soon as they attempt to migrate, they should be shot.
    Other than that, I don’t agree with them on anything else.

  3. Don’t forget the leftists supported Hitler until he turned on the Soviet Union. Then it became a “good war” If Hitler had left Stalin alone the leftist would have been undermining the war effort just like every other war.

  4. CNBC’s editorial ideology has driven off most of its active investor/day trader audience. It went far Left many years ago with the rest of the NBC brand/s.
    Inaccurate/incompetent/ideologically distorted financial news reporting costs viewers actual money. If they weren’t subsidized by the NBC Mother Ship they’d have disappeared with the DotCom bubble.

    Upscale sponsors are long gone. Their remaining advertisers are NBC’s generics:
    Fast food chains, ask-your-doctor-about antidepressants, bad credit auto insurance for single Moms, free Credit Karma.

    More proof that the Left destroys everything it touches.

    If CNBC does not get outraged anti-ISIS pushback from a heavily Jewish financial industry, it’s because no one’s watching.

  5. a lot of people say-can’t we agree to disagree? That is so stupid and makes no sense. NO, I usually don’t agree with anybody— 🙂 have a nice day.

  6. Gladys- blacks in Detroit acting like isis.

    Interesting point. I’ve often thought of ISIS as little more than ruthless gang members… with 1400 years of experience!

  7. “NSA can round up all the ‘likes’ and send them packing.”

    Sorry – NSA is the Leader of the Pack.
    With CIA, DIA, FBI, and the rest bringing up the rear.

    izlamo delenda est …

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