CNBC NEWS Director pleads guilty to putting a spy cam in young girl’s bathroom – IOTW Report

CNBC NEWS Director pleads guilty to putting a spy cam in young girl’s bathroom

Dan Switzen, 44, from Pleasantville, NY, plead guilty to trying to record his 18 year-old nanny and her two 18 year-old friends in compromising situations in the bathroom.

The perv worked for CNBC as a director of the Suze Orman Show and “Power Lunch.”

He’s facing up to 4 years in jail. He has a wife and kids, all who depended on him to not be a craven perv.


23 Comments on CNBC NEWS Director pleads guilty to putting a spy cam in young girl’s bathroom

  1. There are maybe 40,000 porno sites this guy could visit night and day,
    But he’d rather ruin his family’s lives and reputations and be a craven deviant, because that online porn wasn’t good enough to satisfy his perversions.

  2. You don’t suppose he found traces of white powder in the bathroom and put a camera up to see if the girls were snorting coke, do you?

    No, I don’t suppose that, not for one second.
    He’s a voyeur perverted deviant.

  3. @Mr anth Ropy
    I’m guessing he’s been at a good deal of the 40k sites you mentioned and is part of his problem.
    Another good reason to not get addicted to porn, it can mess with your mind.

  4. From Charlie Rose down the every last anonymous dweeb, the Media sure looks like the cesspool of unethical, untrustworthy creeps that we’ve characterized them to be, for the last few decades.

    But we can trust them to do “their job” with integrity, and without political bias. ROTFL

    I wouldn’t trust them in the foyer of my house with my home security rifle within reach.

  5. A sign of the times?
    I checked into a hotel a few weeks ago and told the lady at the registration desk:
    “I hope the porn channel in my room is disabled.”
    She gave me a really disgusted look and said:
    “No! It’s normal people porn, you sick bastard!

  6. imagine you’re a news director with access to any type camera.

    Imagine you have an 18 yr old female nanny and she has 2 18 yr old friends.

    You dont need Stormy Daniels to imagine what you could do.

  7. You’d have to be a sick lowlife slug to be aroused by spying on anyone in a bathroom. This is a case where I could give the nod to one of those acid attacks. Right smack in the eyes.


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