CNN admits Hunter Biden ‘a real problem’ for Joe Biden, not ‘a right-wing media story’ – IOTW Report

CNN admits Hunter Biden ‘a real problem’ for Joe Biden, not ‘a right-wing media story’

Just The News

The criminal investigation of President Joe Biden’s son Hunter is not just a right-wing media story and is a “real problem” for his re-election, CNN anchor Brian Stelter declared on his weekend show “Reliable Sources.”

Stelter talked Sunday about Maureen Dowd’s column in The New York Times where she said that President Biden should not run for re-election when interviewing Michael LaRosa, the former press secretary for Jill Biden.

When asked for an opinion on whether or not President Biden should run in 2024, LaRosa said: “I hope he runs. I know he’s going to run. He’s planning to run, as he said many times.”

Stelter then interjected, “Biden’s age makes it different.”

LaRosa said, “I don’t see why he wouldn’t run. I haven’t heard a reason why.” more here

8 Comments on CNN admits Hunter Biden ‘a real problem’ for Joe Biden, not ‘a right-wing media story’

  1. “He’s not focused on that. It’s 19 months! ”

    Right. All leftists are focused on Trump running, not themselves.

    All the democrats have become is calling the right bad. There is no policy, no goals, nothing from the left. Unless it’s the same old tired nonsense policy they dug up from being offended 2 to 3 decades ago.

    Hell, election could be 2 months off and democrats would use the same line, just more direct, “Who cares if Joe or Camela runs, Orangemanbad is running! Muh democracy!”

  2. It is such a problem no matter how much evidence comes out no one gets raided or arrested.
    They will probably perp walk Trump in a heinous manner for all to watch over BS before anything of consequence happens to a Biden.

  3. Hunter is not a problem for Joe, because the dems control the Justice Department and the courts. Nothing will happen to him, just like nothing ever happens to the democrat criminals in the government. We are really no better than Mexico at this point.

  4. Hunter Biden reminds me of Saddam’s two sons, Uday and Urinay.

    The only difference so far is that Hunter has not shoved any opponents into a tree shredder that we know of. I think he would do it if he could get away with it.

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