CNN Analyst Says Women’s March About Liberalism, Not Women – IOTW Report

CNN Analyst Says Women’s March About Liberalism, Not Women

DC: CNN analyst Bakari Sellers let slip a shocking revelation about the Women’s March Saturday.

“It’s not about women, it’s about liberalism,” he said.

It started when Sellers and Concerned Women for America CEO Penny Nance got in an argument about the inclusiveness of the march.

“The Democratic Party is hollowed out. We did lose 1,000 seats. We did lose governor’s mansions, no question about it,” Sellers said.

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13 Comments on CNN Analyst Says Women’s March About Liberalism, Not Women

  1. Now that Jeramiah Wright´s “God-Damn-America”-hating Marxist Muzlim Mallard is finally out of the White House, take careful note that this is nothing more than just the start of the domestic Communist anarchists, and their enablers in the Media, tooling up for the next Cold War right here in our own backyard on Main Street, in the town of Anywhere, beginning with their insane battle against Trump!

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