CNN Anchor/Harpy Has Full Blown SJW-Like Meltdown on Navy Seal Who Says He Doesn’t Believe a CNN Story – IOTW Report

CNN Anchor/Harpy Has Full Blown SJW-Like Meltdown on Navy Seal Who Says He Doesn’t Believe a CNN Story

A Navy Seal had the audacity to say he believes the people who were in the room who say “Trump did not give up top secret intelligence to the Russians” rather than CNN’s “anonymous sources” who say he did.

The anchor woman goes berserk.

See here


21 Comments on CNN Anchor/Harpy Has Full Blown SJW-Like Meltdown on Navy Seal Who Says He Doesn’t Believe a CNN Story

  1. Tucker showed this last night. I was stunned.

    Once upon a time TV news people at least tried to look professional and credible.

    Personally, I think all these twenty/thirty-something dumb bints are a big problem. I’m a girl so I can say this. But these young women rarely if ever convey authority, intelligence or trustworthiness.

    The fact that cable news is being overrun with girls who act like their auditioning for the View is just more proof that “TV News” is no longer news.

    I’m surprised Carl didn’t punch her lights out. I would have.

  2. Actually, I would have punched the black guy out. “You’re embarrassing yourself”. Fxck off bitch. I love the little hand clap though. What the hell was that?

  3. Mercury retrograde hangover effect is her best defense. Anonymous.. Okay, I’m anonymously stating global warming is a hoax, Obama is a faggot, and CNN is a joke. News at 9.

  4. @Dianney, my wife’s in the TV news biz. She’s appalled at what the unending flood of Millenial girls have gone to the news biz–tv, print and online. That photo of the all-girl “senior editorial staff” of Huffpo? That’s now the lineup at almost every news organization.
    Few remaining males except gay minority’s– the Don Lemon effect.
    These girls are astonishingly ignorant of anything factual– US history pre-2012, basic world geography, basic economics terminology, you name it. They have never heard of the 1973 oil embargo, or that the US used to own the Panama Canal, or where Cape Horn or the Bering Strait are, or why Brazilians speak Portuguese, or how Medicare or Foreclosure or Chapter 11 work.
    And they aren’t remotely curious–if any of these were important they would have covered it in J School.
    They have no idea how many countries are in the UN, or that the language of Austria is not “Austrian”.

    There used to be some great female journalists. Gone now, and we see what has replaced them.

  5. The liberated American stupid brainwashed egotistical useless moron big city liberal wymyn at her best. Doing some stupid useless pretend job that no one would notice if it disappeared tomorrow. ‘Stellar’ reporting from the paid communist/dnc liars at cnn. Good grief. the dude should have punched that nasty thing in the face and walked off the set, now that would be some must-see tv.

  6. It is my firm belief I haven’t the disposition to have been a SEAL.
    Stupid CNN Uncle Tom: “You’re embarrassing yourself.”
    Throat punch, on national TV.
    GFY boy.

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