CNN and The Hill Breathlessly report that they have footage of Trump playing golf!!!!!! – IOTW Report

CNN and The Hill Breathlessly report that they have footage of Trump playing golf!!!!!!

It’s armageddon!!!

Armegeddon tired of their idiocy.

The commenters at the reprehensible The Hill say that Trump lied because he said he wouldn’t play golf as president.

Maybe he thought it would be hard to be president? He’s undoing Obama policy at a remarkable pace. There’s simply lotsa time for the links.

One dope said we only objected to Obama’s golf playing because he was black.

I said, “no, I objected to his golf playing because he sucked.”

It’d be different if Trump was a singing enthusiast and went to choirs 4 and 5 hours at a time, and then sung with the similar skill of Obama’s golf acumen, which would be along the lines of what Marlee Matlin sounds like on a scary roller coaster.

The Hill

ht/ fdr in hell


18 Comments on CNN and The Hill Breathlessly report that they have footage of Trump playing golf!!!!!!

  1. obomba golfed all the time and let other people run our country to hell in a handbasket.

    trump golfs all the time and still runs the country and its great. Others may complain Frank, but i wont.

  2. He’s not golfing, he’s working. He just happens to be golfing while he’s working. Another thing, he has already gotten more done by 8:00am than Obama got done in any single day. I don’t care if he golfs every damn day.

  3. Knowing Obama was a shiftless, lazy, usurping enemy of this country, it was an affront to hard-working patriots to see him on the golf course so often.

    It’s the very opposite with Trump. Also, It’s likely the only place he can be without being wiretapped and surveilled.

  4. I want our real President to play golf because it keeps him fit and he apparently enjoys playing (because it’s another thing he excels at).

    President Trump and the devious Preezy are as different in ALL respects as day and night. And the Night Choomer, who took advantage of every courtesy at every opportunity, deserves no respect whatsoever.

  5. I seem to recall Obama banning the press pools from following him playing golf and they cheerfully said “you got it, boss”.

    Plus, these courses are on his property aren’t they? Not like shutting down private clubs for security.

    Every time Obama took a vacation, he wrote an executive order so that no one could ask him about it. Maybe Trump should do that.

    Executive order: No more effed up gas caps that spill more than they save.

  6. I’d like to see Pres. Trump at the shooting range a few hours a week practicing Defensive Pistol scenarios.
    Make it a foursome, Barron who is 10, General Mathis and General Kelly. Some fun with real life application, unlike golf.

  7. Barry played golf because he thought it was a snub on rich whites, and reveled in the attention of the staff
    Mr. Trump plays golf to get away from all that crap and get something done without distractions

  8. Presient Trump takes care of our country first, then relaxes at a golf course, excelling at both. At the same time the MSM is trying to destroy President Trump and America. The treasonous gay Kenyan commie got out of bed every morning wondering how much damage he could inflict on our country that day. When out of ideas he’d meet saboteurs for a couple rounds of golf to pick their brains. And the MSM provided cover for both the traitor and saboteurs.


    Is that all they got left in the tank? Junior High School gossip? There is no hard news anymore because it’s all good news for Trump. They have to report on diet coke daily in-takes, golf, Melania’s shoe choice.


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