CNN and the Left Go Berserk Because the President Says He Would Listen To Another Country Who Called Him With Potential Opposition Dirt – IOTW Report

CNN and the Left Go Berserk Because the President Says He Would Listen To Another Country Who Called Him With Potential Opposition Dirt

What is the problem, other than the fact when Trump breathes the left gets twisted?

Trump’s response —>


15 Comments on CNN and the Left Go Berserk Because the President Says He Would Listen To Another Country Who Called Him With Potential Opposition Dirt

  1. Someone Somewhere: “Some Truth on somebody doing some dirty business someplace”

    Democrat Response: “Don’t Listen. Don’t Listen.”

    American People’s Response: “The Truth shall set us Free”

  2. The timing couldn’t be more disastrous for CNN, MSNBC and the shrieking freaks in the Resistance. Because when the DOJ reveals just how much footsie was being played between the DNC/Hillary/Obama Administration and the Brits/Russia/Ukraine, they’ll choke on their feigned outrage.

  3. So, whaddya call it when a major political candidate HIRES a foreigner to PAY FOR Russian info/disinfo to invent a document to smear your opponent?

    Oh, wait….

    Like Anon said, a setup…

  4. My comment to a Get Out The Vote puke–

    So, what have ya got on him, not knowing the law??
    Hillary said she didn’t know what the c meant on classified documents, sent them illegally on unsecured servers and you morons YAWNED.
    It’s pathetic watching you “dreamers”

  5. Schiff took at least 2 ‘russian’ phone calls that had info on people. Turns out it was a prank phone call from DJ’s . Did he tell anyone? LOL. He didn’t have to. They played the tape.

    Ted Kennedy called Russia to help stop Reagan from becoming president.
    Did he tell anybody? No? Oh well someone who knows Kennedy told us and the Russians confirmed it. LOL.

  6. These CNN hacks are corrupt assholes. I would argue that if another country contacts a government official with information on a candidate, our officials have an obligation and duty to listen. If Russian officials contact someone in the Trump administration with claims that Joe Biden was laundering money through the Ukraine, this is information we need to know. Just because the claims are made doesn’t necessarily make them true, but in the interests of national security we need to know what is happening, and if the source of information is a foreign government then so be it.

    Government officials have wide obligations to report these types of communications to the DOJ or the FBI. Trump the candidate did not have this obligation. But CNN is making a leap of imagination by supposing that if Trump the President was provided with such information, he would not report it. So far, Trump has shown more willingness to abide by his Constitutional and legal duties than Obama ever did.

    This is nothing more than CNN trying to get out ahead of Barr in his investigation and protect Democrat candidates. It’s becoming more and more clear that Hillary Clinton and the DNC were the parties behind the alleged Russian interference, and the Democrats are desperate that this be covered up. These people are scum; they are actively trying to cover up Democrat crimes by claiming that it’s “foreign election interference” and glossing over the fact that they are trying to hide important information from the American public.

    Rant done.

  7. So how do these LibIdiots think espionage and foreign intelligence is done?
    One set of people listening when other people talk.
    Be it across the street or around the world, the basic concept is the same.

    I would LOVE to be the one to plant fake info that the Libtards believe. Then I could say, “why did you listen? Did you report it to the FiBbIes?”

  8. Donald Jr. is being shaken down again for his meeting with the Russian woman that claimed to have info on Hillary and instead showed up to talk about adoption. If Trump said anything else they would have pounced on Jr. and why does he need to report anything to the FBI, as POTUS he is the top exec. This is all they have. Hysterics over absolutely nothing.


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