CNN Apologizes After Joking About Donald Trump’s Plane Crashing – IOTW Report

CNN Apologizes After Joking About Donald Trump’s Plane Crashing


CNN has apologized after a reporter and producer were caught joking on camera about Donald Trump’s plane crashing.

In footage obtained and posted on YouTube by Scott Jones of FTV Live, an unidentified producer can be heard telling reporter Suzanne Malveaux that the president-elect’s plane crashed.

“That means his plane’s crashed,” the producer says as Malveaux grins. “No, I’m kidding.”



7 Comments on CNN Apologizes After Joking About Donald Trump’s Plane Crashing

  1. Honestly there’s something you can’t apologize for and get a free pass. It’s like Hitler apologizing to the Jews. CNN deserves the slow death that’s currently occurring.

  2. CNN Statement: “We apologize if our comments made any uninformed, uneducated, primate, racist, homophobic, islamophobic, misogynistic, bigoted, gun-toting, bible-thumping, knuckle-dragging, KKK Trump supporters uncomfortable, but we actually despise you Neanderthals … & President-Elect Trump… we hate even having to say ‘President-Elect Trump’. Sincerely, CNN”

    … to which Trump supporters immediately retorted: “Suck it, Losers!”

  3. So this brings up a question since everything is a joke now.

    Let’s say you’re a Secret Service agent.

    Obviously to be assigned to the former president Obama first family as a guard.

    Would you?

    A) retire
    B) use up all available sick leave and vacation
    C) possibly take a bullet

    That’s a tough one.

    I’d say I’d try to save the children.

    After that I’d belch the other two back onto the streets of their beloved Chicago that they both imposed mayhem upon. That community has been organized by no less than Barack Obama himself.
    Alinskyites might save you.
    And hopefully iPhone hasn’t betrayed me again.

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