CNN Associate Producer Implies Low Gravitas Chris Cuomo Got Job Through Nepotism – IOTW Report

CNN Associate Producer Implies Low Gravitas Chris Cuomo Got Job Through Nepotism

10 Comments on CNN Associate Producer Implies Low Gravitas Chris Cuomo Got Job Through Nepotism

  1. Project Veratas has done more actual news reporting in his 8 + years that the entire staff of 60 minutes over their 30+ years run. One could through in all of CNN and P/V would still come out ahead.

    This whole scandal of fake news should have been blown wide open decades ago. Thank God Trump ran and won because no other Republican would have blown down this house of cards.

    Well, maybe the Newt or Cruise but those are in the “maybe” column. Trump was actually doing it while he was still running for office.

  2. The fact that a CNN producer (associate, or otherwise) can only imply that Cuomo was hired out of nepotism, actually proves their utter journalistic incompetence.

  3. Now…just…wait a minute, here, surely this cannot be true that Chrissy has no talent? Shuffle over to Youtube and take a look at his videos. This boy drips with charm and charisma, doesn’t he?

  4. Save themselves?
    Uh, uh.
    There’s not a chance in Hell I’m ever watching CNN no matter how much they might grovel. They will forever be known as Bought & Paid for Media’s stinking rectum that left behind a permanent shit stain in airports everywhere!

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