CNN at the airport will be no more after March 31st – IOTW Report

CNN at the airport will be no more after March 31st

ht/ illustr8r

35 Comments on CNN at the airport will be no more after March 31st

  1. When you can’t even make money forcing your network on people, it might just be time to shut it down.

    There might be a newly unemployed American that would write a check for $10,000 and take it over.

  2. Just read an article that says Turtle thinks impeachment will help the GOP shed Trump.
    Can he be that dumb?
    75 million of us aren’t going to support you for dog catcher.

  3. Here is what will happen:

    Biden will step in and give an aid package to Media.
    They will resume brainwashing.
    They will softball Democrats.

    Ref: Turdeau gave the CBC & Canadian Media $650 Million in “assistance” to help deal with Net competition.


  4. lmao and the cutting the chord continues …

    how’s that globalism & woke capitalism mind set working over at warner media & att?

    wonder woman 1984 as a loss leader?!? really?
    can’t wait for the next flop

  5. @Chickity

    WW84 can go fist itself!

    Stooooopid story line, resurrecting dead characters (Steve Trevor) even though Lefties DO NOT believe in CHRIST.

    Lynda Carter is by far the WW metric that no one (esp Gal Gadot after her “imagine” horseshit Covid video) could ever eclipse. No idea of her politics but the legs, eyes and smile etc…

  6. March 31 – that’s plenty of time for the new CEO of China Network News, Xi Jingping, to set things right.

    Right Joe?


    (Joe’s on the john thinking about the presidency with his mask on.)


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