CNN Botches Major ‘Bombshell’ Alleging Contacts Between Don Jr. And WikiLeaks – IOTW Report

CNN Botches Major ‘Bombshell’ Alleging Contacts Between Don Jr. And WikiLeaks

How CNN got its report so wrong is unclear

Daily Caller: CNN misreported key details of an offer made to Donald Trump Jr. last year of a batch of stolen Wikileaks documents.

The story, which CNN published on Friday and covered extensively on TV, was touted as the first evidence that the Trump campaign was given a heads-up about documents stolen from Democrats.

But the story appears to have been riddled with errors, while also lacking key context.

Perhaps the most jarring error in the CNN report is the date on which Trump Jr. was sent the email. The network reported that a person named Mike Erickson emailed Trump Jr. and others on the Trump campaign on Sept. 4, 2016, with a link to Wikileaks documents as well as a decryption key to access them.

The email also offered access to emails that had been stolen from former Sec. of State Colin Powell, according to CNN.

But a copy of the email provided to The Daily Caller shows that Erickson sent the email on Sept. 14.

That date is significant because WikiLeaks had released a batch of stolen documents on Sept. 13. The group touted its release of the DNC documents, which were published by Guccifer 2.0.  read more

But wait! There’s MORE!

Watch CNN Trot Out Reporter Who Published Fake News To Correct His Own Fake News. 

We are correcting a story we have been reporting throughout the day about an email that was sent to candidate Trump, Donald Trump Jr. and others during the campaign…

11 Comments on CNN Botches Major ‘Bombshell’ Alleging Contacts Between Don Jr. And WikiLeaks

  1. Yep, send out the fake news, whip the low-info-mojos into a frenzy for the 316th that this is the time they’ve got Trump where they want him, then retract the fake news late in the day under cover of darkness.

    Damage done.

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